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Information for Presenters

Information for Presenters:
  • Prepare: Be sure to prepare your presentation according to the talk or poster guidelines.
  • Submit your PowerPoint: If you plan to have slides at your talk, you must submit them to us by February 25 using the link provided, two days before the GRS. See the talk guidelines for more information.
  • At the Symposium: Attend other sessions and hear your colleagues present! Network with others inside and outside your field. 
  • Visiting Presenters: W&M offers some suggestions and discounts on local accommodations. See the For Attendees page for more information about parking, dining, and more.
  • Registration Fee: all registration fees have been waived for 2025.
  • Registration: You must register for the GRS by February 3, 2025. You will be provided a link to a form through which to register.
  • Submit your research for award consideration: Graduate students accepted to present at the GRS are eligible to submit a 5- to 6-page paper. Read more about Award Paper guidelines and deadline for submission.