For Students
To help you navigate our various services, below are helpful resources as you prepare to head to campus and for when you're in the 'burg.
Before you arrive
Set up your account
Activate your W&M Username, create a secure, personalized password and set up a recovery email address.
Enroll in DUO
Duo is W&M's two-factor authentication service.
Access Email
Once your deposit is received and processed, you'll be able to access your Outlook email account.
Bring a laptop
We expect all incoming students to have a notebook computer.
Get Software
There is no need to pay retail prices for software with our selection of discounted software.
Browse myW&M
Take some time to browse through myW&M where you can access Banner, Blackboard, Outlook and more.
While on campus
Every device that uses the W&M network has to be authenticated to gain access.
Connect to Wireless
For Wi-Fi, use the eduroam network for a fast and secure wireless connection.
Connect Devices to the Network
Instructions for authenticating devices such as game consoles, wireless printers, virtual assistants, and Chromebooks to the wired or wireless network.
Change Password
You will be asked to change your W&M account's password once a year.
Printing at a Computer Lab
Locate a lab printing station, swipe your Tribe Card and select print jobs to release.
Specialized Software
Check out our list of licensed software, which includes programs in chemistry, math, statistics, and web editing.
Computer Service Agreement
The Computer Service Agreement spells out support options and includes a list of off-campus service providers.
Guest Wireless Access
Have a visitor coming to campus? Learn how you can provide wireless access for guests.

Subscribe for Status Updates
Members of the W&M community are invited to subscribe to receive updates for the IT services they use regularly.
Some services have established monthly maintenance windows where complete or intermittent service interruptions occur.

Departing Students
Are you leaving William & Mary? We are sad to see you go, but excited for the adventure that lies ahead of you. While we don't know where your next steps may take you, we can tell you what will happen with your access to W&M Information Technology services after you leave the university.
Get Help
So you're stuck, huh? Don't worry - it happens to the best of us. We're here to help get you back on track.
Technology Support Center
Social Media
Contact Us
- Email:
- Phone: 757-221-HELP
- Help chat: Send us a message
- Monday-Friday: 8am - 5pm