For Faculty
As a faculty member, you have access to a world of IT support and resources. On this page you will find commonly used IT resources to help you be successful in your classes, research and work at William & Mary.
Popular Links
Blackboard at W&M
Learn about W&M's learning management system.
Activate Account/Password Recovery
Activate your W&M Username, create a secure, personalized password and set up a recovery email address in case you ever forget your password.
Buy/Lease a Laptop or Computer
Almost all computers and laptops used by faculty are part of a leasing program called the Equipment Service Program (ESP).
Authenticate Devices
You will need to authenticate your devices to the William & Mary network at
Access Email
Find information on how to download an Outlook client or set-up Outlook on your mobile device. To access email via the web, type in your browser.
Storage & File sharing
W&M has several different storage and file sharing options available.
Internet Access
For Wi-Fi, use the eduroam network for a fast and secure wireless connection.
Microsoft Teams Calls
At W&M, your computer is your phone! Campus phone service goes through Microsoft Teams (named "Teams Calls").
Virtual Desktops
The Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) allows you to log into a virtual desktop with a standard W&M computer image.
Virtual Private Network
William & Mary's Virtual Private Network (GlobalProtect) allows for secure remote access to William & Mary's technology resources.
Get Software
Check out the Software Distribution Site for all available discounted and licensed software at W&M.
For Your Class & Research
Blackboard Course Creation
Use the Blackboard Course Generator to create your own Blackboard course.
Blackboard Help for Faculty
Blackboard announcements, resources, tools, tutorials and more.
Beginning of the Semester Tech Tips
A hub of information to help faculty get started in the classroom. Here you will find quick tips for Blackboard, links to important tools like Panopto (Lecture Capture), support information and more.
Classroom Guides & Equipment
Get a sneak peek at the tech equipment found in the classroom where you'll be teaching with our Classroom Guides.
Class Schedules & Enrollment Lists
To view class schedules and enrollments, select the Banner icon on myW&M, log in, click on the Faculty tab and select an option from the menu.
To record students' grades on tests and assignments, you may wish to use the Grade Center through Blackboard. For instructions on how to use the Grade Center, go to Blackboard Help for Faculty. Under Blackboard Resources, click "Blackboard Tools" and then click on "Grade Center."
Panopto - Lecture Capture
Panopto is an easy-to-use tool for recording multiple events including in-class lectures, events, presentations, and tutorials that can be easily distributed to students through Blackboard.
Surveys & Polls
From complex forms in Qualtrics to simple forms in Microsoft O365 to polls in PollEv, we have a solution for your response collection needs.
Zoom Videoconferencing
Zoom is an easy-to-use, cloud-based conferencing solution that provides both video and audio conferencing, mobile collaboration, screen sharing capabilities and online meetings.
Google Workspace
Google Workspace provides access to a suite of Google tools. Previously only used by students, now all faculty and staff also have access to Google Workspace web app.
Research Computing
At William & Mary, High Performance Computing is applied to a diverse and ever-changing set of topics. Find information about using HPC and learn how to get help.
Get Help
So you're stuck, huh? Don't worry - it happens to the best of us. We're here to help get you back on track.
Technology Support Center
Social Media
Contact Us
- Email:
- Phone: 757-221-HELP
- Help chat: Send us a message
- Monday-Friday: 8am - 5pm

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Some services have established monthly maintenance windows where complete or intermittent service interruptions occur.