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Registration Structure

PATH is here, bringing with it an updated registration process. There are a few key changes to the structure of registration for degree-seeking undergraduate students that aim to improve the experience for all. These changes will also provide insights into students’ prioritized course data, benefiting the whole university by empowering departments with information and facilitating informed scheduling decisions.

PATH Overview

Beginning in March 2024, students will utilize PATH to search and register for courses. For undergraduate students, the initial registration period (previously referred to as "priority registration") will consist of building a primary cart and assigning registration priorities and alternative courses to their course selections. Carts will be open for several days. This phase of registration is untimed; a student can log in to build their cart and set their priorities on the first day, or they can wait until later in the week. However, by the end of the cart-building period, students must have a primary cart built, all registration holds removed, and resolved any registration errors that display in their primary cart (like securing instructor permission for a course).

After the cart-building period has closed, PATH will register students taking into account priority group, social class, and registration priorities assigned to their courses. Tiered enrollment maximums will also be enforced during the process. Registration occurs in multiple "rounds" continuing until all undergraduate student course selections and alternates have been evaluated. This approach is designed to help students achieve the most optimal schedule possible. More information about priority groups and tiered enrollment can be found below.

Select the headings below to expand for more information.

Expandable and collapsible table with additional information about carts, registration priorities, tiered enrollment, waitlist, and how-to resources
When to Build a Cart

A registration outline for each term is available on the When to Register page. Generally, registration dates will be available in late February for fall registrations and late September for spring registrations.

Please note that times are listed in Eastern Time (ET) and that registration dates and times are subject to change.

Building a Primary Cart and Setting Registration Priorities

For undergraduate students, the registration process starts with building a primary cart to include your top-choice course selections. The courses in your primary cart make up the schedule you want.

Students will assign a registration priority to each course in their primary cart, with the first being their highest priority, and continuing through ninth priority. Students can also utilize the auto registration priority to automatically assign a priority to a course based on demand. The more popular a course, the higher the priority PATH will assign to it (respecting that a student may have hard-coded a course selection as first, fourth, sixth, etc). PATH will use the auto function as a "tie-breaker" for any courses assigned the same priority number.

Alternatives Cart

Students may also add courses to their Alternatives cart. Courses in the Alternatives cart will be available to select in the primary cart as an alternate in the registration options panel. Each course in the primary cart may have up to two alternate courses designated. For courses with multiple sections, students may select "any other section" of the course from the alternate drop-down. If the student's first choice section is not available, PATH will attempt to register the student in any other section of the course.

How many courses should I put in my cart?

Maximum credit hour registration restrictions will still be in place, but students should put more than the allowable maximum hours in their registration cart. PATH is designed to evaluate selections each round until a successful registration is made for a student, or until all of their course selections have been exhausted. Based on course demand, restrictions, and tiered enrollment maximums, PATH may need to evaluate more than one course per round for a student.

Remember, each course in the primary cart can have up to two alternative selections; for courses with multiple sections, students can also select "any other section" as an alternate course.

Co-requisite Groups

Students must put all co-requisite courses in their primary cart. When evaluating a student's priorities, PATH will assign the highest priority to the whole co-requisite group and complete the registration at the same time.

Example: A student adds BIOL 203, 203L, and 203D to their primary cart. The student assigns first (highest) registration priority to the lecture section, and lower priorities to the lab and discussion sections. When PATH is processing registration, all three sections will be attempted at the priority set for the BIOL 203 section because it has the highest priority assigned.

Priority Groups and Tiered Enrollment

W&M has worked with CourseLeaf, the makers of PATH, to ensure that tiered enrollment maximums and priority groups will continue to be respected. Additionally, major restrictions will be in place during the initial registration period and will be lifted when the add/drop period begins. 

Based on the order outlined by the University, students in a priority registration group will have their course selections processed before a student without priority registration. Social class senior course selections will be processed before social class juniors, whose selections will be processed before social class sophomores, and so on. Within groups/social classes, PATH will assign each student a random number. Registration is processed in a "snake" pattern; the first students to have registration processed in round one will be the last students to have registration processed in round two.

Registration restrictions like instructor or department permission will be enforced. If a student has added a course to their primary cart that requires instructor permission but does not secure permission before the cart-building period closes, registration in that course will not be successful, and PATH will move to the next course selection for the student.

Releasing Schedules

Student schedules will not be immediately available. Once the PATH registration process has been completed, schedules will be released for students to view in PATH. The date schedules will be available to view will be published on the Academic Calendar and will be noted in registration messages displayed to the student in PATH. 

Add/Drop and Course Registration Waitlist

There are several add/drop periods for continuing undergraduate students, as outlined on the When to Register page and Academic Calendar. For fall and spring terms, the first add/drop period after schedules are released is when major restrictions are lifted and waitlisting becomes available on many Arts & Sciences courses. More information about waitlisting is available on the Course Registration Waitlisting webpage.


The University Registrar's Office will provide additional guides and resources before carts open to degree-seeking undergraduates on March 27, 2024.


Contact the University Registrar's Office at [[W|registrar]]