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New Faculty Compliance FAQs

Compliance with Accessibility Services, Discrimination, Crime and Conflicts of Interest

1. A student tells you that he or she has a disability (a physical, mental, intellectual or emotional condition that limits their ability to learn or do any other major activity).

Say "You do not need to tell me this – we respect your privacy. If you would like an accommodation for any condition, please contact Student Accessibility Services." Only that office can approve accommodations.

2. A student asks you for some modification or change relating to exams (or other testing), homework assignments, or any other aspect of coursework or other academic or research activity, and you have reason to believe the request is related to a disability.

You can grant the request if you normally would (that is if you would grant it regardless of the disability). If not, please say "This is not a change that I would normally make. If you are asking for a disability accommodation, please contact Student Accessibility Services." Only that office can approve accommodations.

3. You need an accommodation for your own disability.

Contact Diversity & Inclusion to request an accommodation.

4. A student discloses to you that he or she has experienced sexual assault, sexual harassment or any other form of sexual misconduct (such as relationship violence or stalking).

Your role is to support and report. Visit the Compliance & Equity site for resources and detailed guidance on your legal obligations.

5. Someone else tells you about, or you otherwise become aware of actual or alleged discrimination (including discriminatory harassment or retaliation).

As a W&M faculty member, you are a "responsible employee," which means that if you are aware of an alleged or potential civil rights violation, the university is assumed to be aware of it as well. You must ensure that we are actually aware of such violations (actual or alleged), by bringing them to our attention. Learn more about the discrimination reporting obligation.

6. You believe that you have experienced discrimination, harassment or retaliation.

There are a variety of options for you to seek confidential advice or to file a report for investigation. Learn more about the equity resources available or contact the Office of Compliance & Equity.

7. You are told about or otherwise become aware of an actual, attempted, alleged or reported crime occurring on W&M-controlled property.

As a W&M faculty member, you have obligations under federal law to notify the W&M Police of certain crimes. Learn more about the Clery Act.

8. You have any concerns about a potential conflict of interest, such as external paid employment.

Visit the Conflicts of Interest page to learn more about relevant laws, university policies and procedures, training obligations and reporting/disclosure rules.

9. You are seeking or are awarded an externally funded grant.

Sponsored Programs are a vital resource to ensure that your research activities comply with the law.