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Shared Governance

Academic Governance

Working with the academic deans, the provost is responsible for academic and research planning, faculty development and curricular and educational policy matters, including inauguration of new programs. The provost works closely with the faculty leadership, meeting routinely with both the Faculty Assembly and the Faculty Assembly Executive Committee. She is also the primary administrative contact for the Professional and Professional Faculty Assembly.

Budget Planning & Strategic Priorities

Jointly with the executive vice president for finance and administration, the provost is responsible for budget planning and priorities, including resource allocation and expenditures. The provost co-chairs the Planning Steering Committee, which oversees the university's strategic planning efforts.

Budget Advisory Workgroup

In December 2020 Provost Agouris and the chief operating officer formed a Budget Advisory Workgroup composed of key resource decision-makers within the instructional and research domains of the university. This group advises the provost and COO as they consider strategies, priorities and recommendations related to the annual budget and how to best position William & Mary programmatically and financially for the near future. This group typically meets monthly.

Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund

The Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund (HEETF or ETF) was established by the General Assembly to provide funding to purchase equipment needed for instruction and research. Additional information and guidelines on making purchases through the ETF program are available through the Budget Office.