Instructions for First Year and Transfer Students
There is no doubt that your time at William & Mary will be filled with exceptional experiences, friendships, and memories. You have made many great decisions that have brought you to this point, and you will make many more. As most college students do, you also will make decisions about alcohol. To help you protect yourself, as well as your friends and fellow students, the university requires all new students to complete an online program called AlcoholEdu.
AlcoholEdu is a non-judgmental alcohol prevention program that uses evidence-based research to educate students about alcohol and its effects. Many students choose not to drink. At William & Mary, over one-quarter of first-year students have never consumed alcohol. Whether you drink or not, AlcoholEdu for College will empower you to make well-informed decisions about alcohol and help you better cope with the drinking behavior of your peers.
Every incoming student is required to complete AlcoholEdu. This mandatory program has two sections, both of which must be completed to fulfill this requirement:
The first part of the program takes roughly 2.5 hours to complete and can be completed in multiple sittings. This section ends with an exam and Survey 2 (for those over age 18). You must earn a grade of 80 percent or higher to pass and fulfill this requirement.
A few weeks after arriving on campus, you will receive an email asking you to complete the second part of the course which includes Chapter 4 and Survey 3.
Please note that the course includes three surveys that measure students’ alcohol-related attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are strictly confidential; William & Mary will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers. You can feel confident that providing truthful answers – no matter what they are – will not put you at any risk for repercussions. While all incoming students are required to complete Alcohol Edu, only those over age 18 will take the surveys.
Again, AlcoholEdu is mandatory - all new students are required to complete both sections of the online program unless an exemption is granted. Students with questions about AlcoholEdu, or students who would like to request an exemption are invited to email [[tdavis]].
To complete AlcoholEdu:
- You will be asked to provide your W&M user name and password.
- It is suggested that AlcoholEdu be completed in multiple sittings. You can access the link through your email or here.