AlcoholEdu FAQs
What happens if I don’t complete AlcoholEdu?Students can receive a Non-Compliance Sanction, which will result in a hold placed on their account. This hold will prevent them from registering for classes. |
I don’t drink—why do I have to take the program?Whether or not we choose to drink, we will all likely be affected by someone who does. As an example, 81% of students last year said that AlcoholEdu prepared them to help someone with alcohol poisoning. AlcoholEdu teaches students to understand alcohol’s effects and prepares students to act or intervene in alcohol-related situations. Because alcohol abuse affects all of us, we all must do our part to protect individuals in our community. |
I don’t have reliable internet access—what do I do?Internet access is often available at local libraries. Also, students can email [[tdavis]] for more information. |
I already know all this information—why do I have to take another alcohol education program?Last year, 78% of AlcoholEdu participants said that the program contained important information for new students to know. In addition, almost 60% said that the program helped them acquire new skills. So the program may contain valuable information for you. The program is required because the university cares about the health and safety of our students. |
I started the course but did not receive any surveys.Students who are under age 18 when the program begins will not receive any surveys. Human Subjects guidelines prohibit data collection from individuals under age 18 without parental consent. Therefore, only new students who are 18 and older will receive surveys. |
I'm having problems with the course—what do I do?Contact AlcoholEdu 24/7 Tech Support by clicking the HELP button on the screen or by calling 1.866.384.9062. |
I missed the deadline—what do I do?Email T Davis at [[tdavis]] and start the program as soon as possible. |
I’m already 21—do I have to take the course?Yes. If you are over the age of 25 or have taken Alcohol Edu at another institution and would like to request an exemption, email [[tdavis]]. |
What is the process for the second part of the program?After completing Part I, there is a 45-day delay. After 45 days, students automatically receive an email prompting them to return to AlcoholEdu to complete Part 2 (or Chapter 4). Students can receive up to 3 email reminders to complete Part 2. |
Can I get in trouble for my answers on the surveys?NO! All responses are confidential. W&M will NEVER be able to connect students' individual answers with their identity. |
What happens if I do not pass the exam?The minimum score to pass the exam is 80%. Students who do not score 80% will be directed to review the course and retake the exam. Look for the link at the top of the screen in the AlcoholEdu Notebook that will allow you to retake the course. |