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Initiatives & Activities

Our work is reflective of the comprehensive approach recommended by the JED Foundation

Increasing Help-Seeking Behavior

Development of posters, stickers, and graphics to increase awareness of emergency services available to potential students in crisis. We encourage you to use and share the "It's OK to not be OK" flier linked below, it provides easy access to resources in times of need.

"It's Ok to not be Ok" Flier

Identifying Students At-Risk

Added a mental health screening tool to Health & Wellness webpages & W&M Wellness app to broaden reach and usage.

Follow Crisis Management Procedures

Cross-referenced emergency numbers across Health & Wellness webpages.

Identifying Students At-Risk

Launched the Seize the Awkward campaign across campus.  The campaign brings awareness to ways students can engage in conversations with others about mental health.

Collaborate with Us