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Most employees are expected to submit their timesheets online using Banner Employee Self-Service. You can access Banner Self-Service by visiting myW&M and selecting the Banner icon.

Payroll Information

The Payroll Office provides information about what you should know, including your paystubs and W-2 forms.

Timesheet Information
Banner 9 Timesheets

As we transition from Banner 8 to Banner 9 Employee Self-Service, UHR has collaborated with Payroll and IT to deliver timesheets in Banner 9. Below, you will find training videos catered to your needs as an employee or supervisor/timesheet approver.

Timesheet Videos
Training Videos
Banner 9 Timesheets Promo Video


Exempt Timesheet Entry


Non-Exempt Timesheet Entry


Hourly Timesheet Entry


Student Hourly Timesheet Entry


Approvals and Proxies


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do I need to submit a timesheet?

With only few exceptions, all employees must complete and submit timesheets, even if they are only required to enter time taken off (leave). Employees can enter their hours in Self-Service starting on the first day of the pay period. Don't wait until the last day to submit your timesheet!

When timesheets are submitted, they are automatically routed to an Approver who either approves or returns it for correction.

If you hold more than one position, you may be required to submit a timesheet for each position in each pay period. Check with your supervisor.

Timesheet Submission Requirements
Type of Employee

Timesheet Submission Requirements

Hourly, temporary hourly, student hourly, and non-exempt employees Must report time daily and submit a timesheet for every pay period worked. If no hours were worked in a day, do not enter zero hours. If no hours were worked in the whole pay period, do not submit a timesheet.
Exempt employees Must record exception time only (i.e., vacation or sick time). If no leave is taken, do not enter zero hours and do not submit a timesheet.
Administrative/professional faculty
Graduate assistants, adjuncts, and 9-month faculty Not applicable.
What if I can't log into Banner Self-Service?

Contact Technology Support Center at 757-221-HELP or [[support]].

What if my timesheet approver is not listed correctly?

For faculty and staff, contact University Human Resources at 757-221-3169 or [[askHR]].

For student hourly employees, contact Student Employment at 757-221-1962 or [[studentemploy]].

Please provide the following. These details expedite the correction process.

  • Your name, Banner ID, position number (if possible), department, email, and phone number
  • Your timesheet approver's name, Banner ID, and position number (if possible)
What if there's an error message when I am completing timesheets?

Contact Payroll at 757-221-2848 or [[payofc]].

Here are a few common errors:

  • No hours entered: If you are an hourly, temporary hourly, student hourly, or non-exempt employee, you tried to submit your timesheet without entering time. If you worked during the pay period, you will need to enter your hours on the days worked.
  • Submit not allowed: You have already submitted your timesheet for approval and have tried to submit it again. No further action is required to fix this error. Your timesheet can still be approved without issues.
  • Time transaction already exists: You may have double-clicked on the timesheet button when opening your timesheet or you may have tried to use the web browser back button after previously selecting and starting a timesheet. Please restart the timesheet to clear the error, re-enter any hours, and submit for approval.
What are the timesheet deadlines for me?

Every year, the Payroll Office publishes the payroll processing schedule, which includes the timesheet dates covered during each pay period, employee timesheet deadline, approver deadline, and pay dates.

Be on the lookout for automatic emails from Payroll ([[timesheets]]), which are sent to employees...

  • Before every deadline to remind employees to submit their timesheet for approval. The emails also indicate the supervisor's approval deadline. All employees receive the timesheet reminder email, regardless of whether or not they need to submit a timesheet. This is to ensure that timesheet approver proxies are also aware of the deadline.
  • If there is a timesheet in progress but has not been submitted.
  • If the approver has returned the timesheet for correction. Employees should correct the timesheet and resubmit for approval.
What if the timesheet deadlines haven't passed, but I can't see my timesheet?

For faculty and staff, contact University Human Resources at 757-221-3169 or [[askHR]].

For student hourly employees, contact Student Employment at 757-221-1962 or [[studentemploy]].

Please provide the name, Banner ID, position number (if possible), department, email, and phone number. These details expedite the troubleshooting process.

As a reminder to approvers, exempt employees do not have to submit a timesheet unless they are recording leave.

What should I do if I missed the deadline to submit/correct my timesheet?

If the supervisor's approval deadline has passed and a change or correction to a web timesheet is needed, the supervisor needs to submit a corrected manual timesheet (pdf) along with a copy of any submitted web timesheet. At the bottom of the manual timesheet, explain why a manual is submitted. This explanation is critical for audit purposes.

What if the timesheet deadlines have passed, and I can't see my timesheet?

Employees won’t be able to make changes to the timesheet on approval day. In the event that the employee or approver sees an error on the timesheet, the approver is able to make corrections directly on the timesheet and approve those changes. Approvers should enter comments to support any changes made to the timesheet.

If the approver has already approved the timesheet with errors, then the approver will be unable to make changes. Please let Payroll know what changes are needed by sending an email to [[payofc]]. Payroll may be able to correct the timesheet on payroll processing day; if not, Payroll will offer guidance on how to make corrections on a manual timesheet (pdf).

As a reminder to approvers, exempt employees do not have to submit a timesheet unless they are recording leave.

 Timesheet Approver or Proxy
What are my responsibilities and how do I set up a proxy?
  • Review and approve timesheets by the 10 AM deadline. You do not have to wait until the published deadlines to review and approve a timesheet that has already been submitted; you are able to approve at any time. After 10 AM, unapproved timesheets are administratively approved by Payroll. Payroll sends notifications to timesheet approvers that allow you to approve within the email.
  • Set up a timesheet approver proxy if you will not be available to approve time. You must communicate to your proxy which pay periods to approve. A proxy should never be a direct report because the direct report would then be able to approve his or her own timesheet. Ideally, your proxy should be someone who is in the same organization and has knowledge of the hours that the employees record. This also ensures Banner security is maintained properly. As a rule of thumb, whenever there has been a change to your org, such as employee terminations/transfers or reorganization, it is a good idea to review your proxies.
  • Monitor timesheets during the pay period to ensure all timesheets are submitted.
  • Verify total hours of work and leave recorded for accuracy on each work day. To review the timesheet hours, click on the employee's name (this is a hyperlink in blue).
    • Example 1: If an employee used sick leave, ensure that there is sufficient sick leave balance. If there is not, it is possible the employee recorded the wrong type of leave or wrong number of hours.
    • Example 2: If an employee used annual leave, ensure that the employee did actually take the annual leave hours stated.
    • Example 3: An employee did not submit a timesheet for annual leave, even though he took a week of vacation. Contact the employee and inform him to submit the timesheet with annual leave hours recorded.
  • Contact employees in a timely manner if timesheets are not started or need to be corrected. If a correction needs to be made, review the proposed change with the employee. Let the employee know you'll be sending the timesheet back for the employee to resubmit for your approval.
Can someone else approve on my behalf?

Yes, you can set up a timesheet approver proxy if you will not be available. You must communicate to your proxy which pay periods to approve. A proxy should never be a direct report because the direct report would then be able to approve his or her own timesheet.

Ideally, your proxy should be someone who is in the same organization and has knowledge of the hours that the employees record. This also ensures Banner security is maintained properly. As a rule of thumb, whenever there has been a change to your org, such as employee terminations/transfers or reorganization, it is a good idea to review your proxies.

What is the Pay Period dropdown menu?

The Pay Period date is preceded by a Pay ID (SW, HW, SV, or HV). If you have both hourly and salaried staff timesheets to approve, be sure to switch the dropdown selection in order to approve timesheets for both types of employees.

Pay Period Dropdown Descriptions
Pay ID


SW Salaried W&M employee
SV Salaried VIMS employee
HW Hourly W&M employee
HV Hourly VIMS employee
What if there's an error message when I am approving timesheets?

Contact Payroll at 757-221-2848 or [[payofc]].

Here are a few common errors:

  • No hours entered: If you are an hourly, temporary hourly, student hourly, or non-exempt employee, you tried to submit your timesheet without entering time. If you worked during the pay period, you will need to enter your hours on the days worked.
  • Submit not allowed: You have already submitted your timesheet for approval and have tried to submit it again. No further action is required to fix this error. Your timesheet can still be approved without issues.
  • Time transaction already exists: You may have double-clicked on the timesheet button when opening your timesheet or you may have tried to use the web browser back button after previously selecting and starting a timesheet. Please restart the timesheet to clear the error, re-enter any hours, and submit for approval.
What should I do if I can't log into Banner Self-Service?

Contact Technology Support Center at 757 221-HELP or [[support]].

Where should I send a manual timesheet after approving it?

If it is the day timesheet approvals are due, send the timesheet to Payroll at [[payofc]] so they can arrange for it to be added to payroll processing.

If the timesheet is for a prior pay period:

  • If the timesheet is for an hourly employee OR it includes hours worked for pay, send it to [[payofc, Payroll]]. It will be processed in the next pay period.
  • If the timesheet includes only adjustments to leave balances and no hours worked, send it to [[AskHR]].

Manual timesheets for student positions (ST) must be sent to ([[studentemply]]) for review. Once the position has been confirmed, Student Employment will forward the timesheet to Payroll for processing.

What are my timesheet deadlines?

Every year, the Payroll Office publishes the payroll processing schedule, which includes the timesheet dates covered during each pay period, employee timesheet deadline, approver deadline, and pay dates.

Be on the lookout for automatic emails from Payroll ([[timesheets]]), which are sent to employees...

  • Before every deadline to remind employees to submit their timesheet for approval. The emails also indicate the supervisor's approval deadline. All employees receive the timesheet reminder email, regardless of whether or not they need to submit a timesheet. This is to ensure that timesheet approver proxies are also aware of the deadline.
  • If there is a timesheet in progress but has not been submitted.
  • If the approver has returned the timesheet for correction. Employees should correct the timesheet and resubmit for approval.
What if the timesheet deadlines haven't passed, but I can't see my subordinate's timesheet?

For faculty and staff, contact University Human Resources at 757 221-3169 or [[askHR]].

For student hourly employees, contact Student Employment at 757 221-1962 or [[studentemploy]].

Please provide the name, Banner ID, position number (if possible), department, email, and phone number. These details expedite the troubleshooting process.

As a reminder to approvers, exempt employees do not have to submit a timesheet unless they are recording leave.

What should I do if I missed the deadline to submit/correct my timesheet?

If the supervisor's approval deadline has passed and a change or correction to a web timesheet is needed, the supervisor needs to submit a corrected manual timesheet (pdf) along with a copy of any submitted web timesheet. At the bottom of the manual timesheet, explain why a manual is submitted. This explanation is critical for audit purposes.

What if the timesheet deadlines have passed, and I can't see my subordinate's timesheet?

Employees won’t be able to make changes to the timesheet on approval day. In the event that the employee or approver sees an error on the timesheet, the approver is able to make corrections directly on the timesheet and approve those changes. Approvers should enter comments to support any changes made to the timesheet.

If the approver has already approved the timesheet with errors, then the approver will be unable to make changes. Please let Payroll know what changes are needed by sending an email to [[payofc]]. Payroll may be able to correct the timesheet on payroll processing day; if not, Payroll will offer guidance on how to make corrections on a manual timesheet (pdf).

As a reminder to approvers, exempt employees do not have to submit a timesheet unless they are recording leave.

Still Need Help?

The Payroll Office provides basic training on entering and approving time as well as information about your paystubs.