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Customizing Mapping and Conservation Planning Tools to Better Integrate In-Situ and Ex-Situ Conservation Strategies

Research Location: Headquartered: Denver, CO, USA
Conservation Partner: Denver Zoological Foundation

Student Researcher
Michaela Sirois
Faculty Mentor
Dr. Robert Rose
Project Description

Prioritization of conservation needs is the critical piece that underpins informed decisions on conservation investments. Resources, particularly financial resources, are limited and standardize tools based on the best available information can improve the allocation of resources. While good datasets and tools already exist, there could be further refinements to tailor these tools to for specific sectors and disciplines. In working with zoos, aquariums and botanic gardens (collectively, ex-situ organizations), there is a gap in knowledge of existing tools, as well as adapting these tools based on the priorities of ex-situ organizations, thus providing a much-needed objective lens to decision-making as well as increasing the utility of these standardized tools.

This project will build on existing mapping tools (IBAT, Half Earth) and integrate a customizable component that ex-situ organizations can use to better align priorities with the global conservation community.

Project ID - Format
23-004-23 - Conservation GIS Lab