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Advising & Registration

What to Expect this Summer

This summer is a good time to do some careful thinking about your academic career at William & Mary and what you hope to accomplish during your time here. You won't have all the answers now – and that's a good thing. You'll have a lot of help along the way.

You're about to embark on a liberal arts education. One way to think about that is that you'll have one of the best chances in your life to explore who you are, what you care about, and what kind of place you want to make for yourself in the world. Now's a good time to take a look at yourself – at the areas of knowledge you're drawn to, at the abilities that seem to come naturally to you – and consider how you will engage the intellectual mentors that can help you become an active thinker and explorer.

By completing the College Studies online module, you will  learn the basic structure of the undergraduate curriculum and other degree requirements. This overall picture will help you plan what you'd like to accomplish in your first semester and first year of study. Review the Plan & Prepare section to get a sense of the steps you should follow to register for your initial class registration window this summer. Remember to seek advice from your summer support resources if you need additional guidance.