Approving Employee Timesheets by Email
Effective, June 25, 2021, the Payroll Office will be deploying a new process for supervisors' timesheet approvals. The new timesheet approval process will take place by email. This change will take one more task off the approver's plate to focus on the most important tasks.
- If the approver supervises non-exempt employees- There must be a timesheet to approve each pay period.
- If the approver supervises hourly/part-time employees- There will be a timesheet if the employee has worked any hours during the pay period.
- If the approver supervises exempt employees- There will only be a timesheet if the employee has used any leave type hours.
Supervisors will receive the customary email reminder that timesheets are ready to be approved and it will list the employee and hours reported on the email. The approver can now approve directly within the email without having to login to Self-Service, unless corrections are necessary.
This process provides the approver with alerts to help ensure that all required timesheets have been approved. It outlines the errors that may require action on behalf of the approver or the employee.
The errors that will require additional action:
- The non-exempt employee did not submit a timesheet as required each pay period
- If an employee request leave in excess of leave that is available
- The timesheet has started, but the employee has not submitted for approval
- The error has occurred within the approving process
- Confirmation that the timesheet was returned to the employee
- The timesheet was approved in Self-Service prior to the supervisor reviewing the email.
Administratively Approved Timesheet Policy
Training Tool: Timesheet Approval by Email (ppsx)