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Foreign Economic Policy: Theory Meets Practice

Taught by Professor Dan Maliniak

  • 3 credit hours
  • COLL 300
  • Students receive GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT credit for this course

 How well do theories about the politics of trade, finance, and immigration hold up when compared to the real world of policy? What do academics miss when they theorize about policy-making in the area of the global economy? What do policymakers miss about their own work that researchers can better see with some distance? How do these ideas carry across cultural contexts? This class bridges this gap by pairing some of the major theories from the academic world with the experiences and observations of policymakers. Students will read a number of classic and cutting-edge academic works and then compare the theory, data, and findings to conversations with people engaged with the issues in the Washington DC area and look to other cultural contexts internationally.


{{youtube:medium:center|SvYA1Z0yKCE, Hear Professor Maliniak discuss his awesome D.C. Winter Seminar course}}