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Student Research

Supporting student research is one of the most important ways the Schroeder Center fulfills its mission of educating and informing future decision makers about health and health policy issues. The Schroeder Center supports W&M student research interests and activities in several ways:
  • Schroeder Research Fellows and Affiliates: The Schroeder Center regularly hires Research Fellows that work either directly with the Schroeder Center or with an affiliated faculty member. Students working on an eligible project funded through another source may still engage with the Schroeder Center in various ways as a Research Affiliate. Hiring announcements are typically posted in August and January of each year. If you want to be on our mailing list, email April Greener at
  • Health Policy Research Lab: Students can periodically enroll in Public Policy 390, Health Policy Research Lab. This is a one-credit experiential learning course, in which students work in teams to conduct research to address a pressing health policy problem.
  • Health Policy Club: Students can join the Health Policy Club. The club meets weekly to discuss health policy research articles and host experts on a theme chosen by students.  
  • Health Policy Resources: Students can use the resources on the Center's website to learn about potential data sources for their own research projects and to identify undergraduate student conferences and journals
  • Summer or Semester Internships: Depending on funding and availability, the Schroeder Center may be able to provide funding for summer internships related to health policy or arrange for course credit for internships conducted during the semester.     
Click here to see some of the previous student research projects the Center has supported.