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Homecoming 2022

Homecoming 2022
Homecoming 2022 Kinesiology tent out front of Adair Hall Chris Wilson
Homecoming 2022
Homecoming 2022 Alumni, faculty, students, and friends meeting under the tent. Chris Wilson
Homecoming 2022
Homecoming 2022 Getting reacquainted. Chris Wilson
Homecoming 2022
Homecoming 2022 Getting together before the game, Go Tribe! Chris Wilson
Homecoming 2022
Homecoming 2022 Corn Hole anyone? Chris Wilson

This year’s Homecoming event was held on Saturday, October 8th. It was nice to see some old faces this year and not so old faces, but not as many as in the previous years. Hopefully next year we will do better.  Still, it was great talking about past years and all the new things going on. Later in the day, the Tribe beat Delaware 27 – 21 in a very exciting game. Please plan on joining us next year and attend other Homecoming events across campus.