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Scheduled Semester Research Leaves

In GSWS, faculty members will automatically be awarded their first SSRL after being granted tenure.  For all subsequent SSRLs, the Program's Personnel Committee will designate faculty as "research active" if they have satisfied the criteria set forth under items one or two within the five years prior to the date of the anticipated SSRL:

1. Publication/acceptance*  of:

  • A peer-reviewed scholarly book (monograph)
  • A peer-reviewed textbook (monograph) original edition
  • A peer-reviewed scholarly edition
  • Or a peer-reviewed book of creative work or significant staging/show event in a nationally recognized venue.**


2. Completed a combination of three substantively distinct research activities set forth in lists "A" and "B" below. Of these three activities, all three could come from A, two from A and one from B, or one from A and four from B:***  

List A:

  • Publication/acceptance of an article of original scholarship in a peer-reviewed professional journal
  • Publication/acceptance of a textbook, original edition, with collected work and articles (counts as two)
  • Publication/acceptance of a book chapter of original scholarship in a peer-reviewed edited volume
  • Publication/acceptance of a short story, two poems, a chapter from a novel, scenes from a play or screenplay by a recognized literary journal or magazine, or public performance/show in a peer-reviewed venue beyond the university*
  • Publication/acceptance of an essay-review of standard article length (ten pages in print, or more)
  • Publication/acceptance of a peer-reviewed edited collection of essays, of which you were the editor
  • Guest edited a special journal issue
  • Edited a journal without compensation or release time (counts as two)

List B:

  • Presentation of a conference paper at a major regional, national, or international conference
  • Book review editor for a journal or other editorial work (above and beyond serving on an editorial board and/or just reviewing essays occasionally)
  • Textbook revised edition
  • One invited public reading of creative works (poetry, fiction, plays, or screenplays) at a professional venue, including shows (theatrical/art shows)*
  • Acceptance/publication of a book review (500 words minimum)
  • Acceptance/publication of a scholarly note (500 words minimum)
  • Signing of an advance book contract
  • Award of a fellowship/grant from state, national, or international agency
  • Publication/acceptance of a textbook that synthesizes scholarship in the faculty member's relevant field
  • Presentation of a significant (45 minutes or more) invited talk to an audience beyond classroom size, at another university or a professional conference.  Expectation is that the audience would include faculty from a university or broader reach of people.

In the event that a faculty member engages in scholarly activities not listed above or claims special circumstances (i.e. a clumping of publications just prior to the five years), the GSWS Director, in consultation with the Personnel Committee, may recommend the faculty member for an SSRL.


*"Publication/acceptance" means either (but one cannot double count an item).  In some fields, one can have a firm acceptance with a scheduled publication date, and still have several years' delay before actual publication.  This is to give credit for the accomplishment and peer-review acceptance of a faculty member's work.

**Our object in allowing variety is to acknowledge the broad range of peer-reviewed and professionally affirmed contributions scholars make.

***To be inclusive of non-text based work, we extend these definitions to include artistic work (music, theater, painting and the visual arts): Performance/shows given under professional auspices or outside the immediate college community and by or before the composer's or performer's professional peers; the professional recording and/or  distribution of an original work or performance; or peer-reviewed publication -- all constitute publication as understood by this program.