Hiroshi Kitamura
Associate Professor
Blair 340
Regional Areas of Research:
East and South Asia, United States
Thematic Areas of Research:
Comparative and Transnational, International Relations, Pacific World/Pacific Rim, Popular Culture and Media
Hiroshi Kitamura is Associate Professor of History. He earned a B.A. in American Studies from Carleton College (1995) and an M.A. (1997) and Ph.D. (2004) in History at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He also studied at Keio University (Japan) and Nankai University (China).
Hiroshi is the author of Screening Enlightenment: Hollywood and the Cultural Reconstruction of Defeated Japan (Cornell University Press, 2010), which won the Shimizu Hiroshi Book Award from the Japanese Association for American Studies and the Southeast Conference of the Association for Asian Studies Book Prize. Its Japanese-language version, Haisen to Hariuddo: senryoka Nihon no bunka saiken, appeared from Nagoya University Press in 2014. He has received grants and fellowships from the Japan Foundation, the Toyota Foundation, the Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations, the Harry S. Truman Library Institute, the Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt Institute, and the Reves Center for International Studies at William and Mary.
At William and Mary, Hiroshi teaches classes on U.S.-foreign relations, global U.S. history, the nuclear world, the Cold War and Asia, film and society, and slow food. He contributes to the American Studies, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Film and Media Studies, and International Relations programs. He served as Director of Graduate Studies from 2014 to 2018.
Currently, Hiroshi is at work on two projects: a critical biography of film critic Yodogawa Nagaharu and a monograph on Hollywood and East Asia during the Cold War.