Recent Publications
- Han, Zhao (2023), Asymmetric Information and Misaligned Inflation Expectations, Journal of Monetary Economics
- Lott, J.R., Moody, C.E. “Do White Police Officers Unfairly Target Black Suspects?” Economics, Law and Policy.
- Moschini, E., "Child Care Subsidies and Child Skill Accumulation in One- and Two-Parent Families", American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics.
- Pereira, A.M., Pereira R. “On the Choice of the Regional Location of Infrastructure Investments in Portugal” Journal of International Business and Economics
- Belbute, J.M., Pereira, A.M. “ARFIMA Reference Forecasts for Worldwide CO2 Emissions and the National Dimension of the Policy Efforts to Meet IPCC Targets” Journal of Economic Development
- Pereira, A.M., Pereira R. “On the Macroeconomic and Distributional Effects of the Regulated Closure of Coal-Operated Power Plants” Journal of Economic Development.
- Rooji B., Rorie, M. Stafford, S. “Using Regulatory Inspection Data to Measure Environmental Compliance” forthcoming in Measuring Compliance: Assessing Corporate Crime and Misconduct Ed. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
- Abegaz, Berhanu: Understanding Economic Transitions: Plan and Market Under the New Globalization (Palgrave Macmillan, 2023).
- Han, Zhao, Xiaohan Ma and Ruoyun Mao (2023), "The Role of Dispersed Information in Inflation and Inflation Expectations, Review of Economic Dynamics", volume 48, April 2023
- Bernstein, J., Richterer, A.W. and Throckmorton, N.A. (2023), The Matching Function and Nonlinear Business Cycles. Journal of Money, Credit and Banking.
- Bernstein, J., Richterer, A.W. and Throckmorton, N.A. , A Simple Explanation of Countercyclical Uncertainty. American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
- Shertzer, Allison, Twinam, Tate, Walsh, Randall P. " Zoning and segregation in urban economic history", Regional Science and Urban Economics. May 2022, Volume 94, 103652
- Atkinson, Plante, Richter, and Throckmorton.“Complementarity and Macroeconomic Uncertainty,” Review of Economic Dynamics. April 2022, Volume 44, Pages 225-243
- De Groot, Richter, and Throckmorton: “Valuation Risk Revalued,” Quantitative Economics, May 2022, Volume 13, pg 723-759
- Han, Zhao, Fei Tan, and Jieran Wu. "Analytic policy function iteration." Journal of Economic Theory 200 (2022): 105395.
- Savelyev, Peter A., Benjamin C. Ward, Robert F. Krueger, and Matt McGue. "Health endowments, schooling allocation in the family, and longevity: Evidence from US twins." Journal of health economics 81 (2022): 102554.
- Savelyev, Peter A. "Conscientiousness, Extraversion, college education, and longevity of high-ability individuals." Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 57, No 5, 2022, doi: 0918-9720R2
- Beaman, Lori, Ariel BenYishay, Jeremy Magruder, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak. "Can network theory-based targeting increase technology adoption?." American Economic Review111, no. 6 (2021): 1918-43.
- Baehr, Christian, Ariel BenYishay, and Bradley Parks. "Linking Local Infrastructure Development and Deforestation: Evidence from Satellite and Administrative Data." Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists8, no. 2 (2021): 375-409.
- Tseng, Tzu-Wei Joy, Brian E. Robinson, Marc F. Bellemare, Ariel BenYishay, Allen Blackman, Timothy Boucher, Malcolm Childress et al. "Influence of land tenure interventions on human well-being and environmental outcomes." Nature Sustainability4, no. 3 (2021): 242-251.
- Han, Zhao. "Low-frequency fiscal uncertainty." Journal of Monetary Economics117 (2021): 639-657.
- Mellor, Jennifer M., Melissa McInerney, and Lindsay M. Sabik. “Misclassification of Medicaid Participation by Dual Eligibles: Evidence From the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey.” Medical Care Research and Review78, no. 2 (April 2021): 113–24.
- Mellor, Jennifer M., Melissa McInerney, and Lindsay M. Sabik. "Misclassification of Medicaid participation by dual eligibles: Evidence from the Medicare Current Beneficiary Survey." Medical Care Research and Review78, no. 2 (2021): 113-124.
- Pereira, Alfredo Marvão, and Rui Manuel Pereira. "Regulated Early Closures of Coal-Fired Power Plants and Tougher Energy Taxation on Electricity Production: Synergy or Rivalry?." In Economic Globalization and Governance, pp. 241-260. Springer, Cham, 2021.
- Pereira, Alfredo Marvão, and Rui Marvão Pereira. Picking Our Environmental Battles: Removal of Harmful Subsidies or Carbon Taxation?. Journal of Economics and Public Finance Vol 7:2 (2021)
- Pereira, Alfredo Marvão, and Rui Marvão Pereira. Financing Future Feed-in Tariffs from Currently Installed RES-E Generating Capacity. Archives of Business Research Vol 9(2), pp. 193-209. (2021)
- Pereira, Alfredo Marvão, Rui Marvão Pereira, and João Pereira dos Santos. "For whom the bell tolls: road safety effects of tolls on uncongested SCUT highways in Portugal." Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development4, no. 2 (2021): 287-305.
- Pereira, Alfredo Marvão, and Rui Marvão Pereira. On the Spillover Effects of CO2 Taxation on the Emissions of other Air Pollutants. Journal of Economics and Public Finance, Vol 7 (3). (2021)
- Belbute, José M., and Alfredo M. Pereira. "The Relationship between Consumption and CO2 Emissions: Evidence for Portugal." Sustainability13, no. 21 (2021): 12153.
- Pereira, Alfredo M., Rui M. Pereira, and Pedro G. Rodrigues. "Infrastructure investment and employment: Evidence for Portugal." Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development5, no. 2 (2021): 1377.
- Schmidt, Martin B. ‘Risk and Uncertainty in Team Building: Evidence from Professional Basketball.” Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 186, 2021: 735-53.
- Schmidt, Martin B. ‘On the Evolution of Athlete Anthropometric Measurements: Racial Integration, Expansion, and Steroids.’ Empirical Economics 61, 2021: 3419-43.
- Schmidt, Martin B. ‘The Competitive Returns to a Global Search for Talent: Professional Sports Markets and Foreigners’ Economic Inquiry, 59 (1), 2021: 396-419.
- Schmidt, Martin B. ‘Labor Demographics and Productivity: All Star Roster Turnover & Foreigners.’ Journal of Economic Studies, 48 (1), 2021: 243-54.
- Shiferaw, Admasu, and Måns Söderbom. "Worker Turnover and Job Reallocation: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data." (2021).
- Stafford, Sarah L. "Emphasizing Distributional Impacts in Teaching Solutions to Market Failures." International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics15, no. 3 (2021): 175-202.
- Blundell, Wesley, Mary F. Evans, and Sarah L. Stafford. "Regulating hazardous wastes under US environmental federalism: The role of state resources." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management108 (2021): 102464.
- Bernstein, Joshua, Alexander W. Richter, and Nathaniel A. Throckmorton. "Cyclical net entry and exit." European Economic Review136 (2021): 103752.
- BenYishay, Ariel, Maria Jones, Florence Kondylis, and Ahmed Mushfiq Mobarak. "Gender gaps in technology diffusion." Journal of development economics143 (2020): 102380.
- Probst, Benedict, Ariel BenYishay, Andreas Kontoleon, and Tiago NP dos Reis. "Impacts of a large-scale titling initiative on deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon." Nature Sustainability3, no. 12 (2020): 1019-1026.
- Dolan, Carrie B., McKinley Saunders, and Ariel BenYishay. "Childhood health and the changing distribution of foreign aid: Evidence from Nigeria's transition to lower-middle-income status." Plos one15, no. 11 (2020): e0241866.
- McInerney, Melissa, Jennifer Mellor, Lindsay Sabik, and Grace McCormack. "ACA Medicaid Expansions Increase Medicaid Enrollment and Health Care Utilization Among Older Adults with Chronic Conditions." In 2020 Virtual Annual Research Meeting. AcademyHealth.
- He, Daifeng, Peter McHenry, and Jennifer M. Mellor. "Do financial incentives matter? Effects of Medicare price shocks on skilled nursing facility care." Health economics29, no. 6 (2020): 655-670.
- Daly, Michael R., and Jennifer M. Mellor. "Racial and ethnic differences in Medicaid acceptance by primary care physicians: A geospatial analysis." Medical Care Research and Review77, no. 1 (2020): 85-95.
- McInerney, Melissa, Jennifer M. Mellor, and Lindsay M. Sabik. "Welcome Mats and On‐Ramps for Older Adults: The Impact of the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid Expansions on Dual Enrollment in Medicare and Medicaid." Journal of Policy Analysis and Management40, no. 1 (2021): 12-41.
- Saunders, Heather, Peter Cunningham, Jennifer Mellor, Jessica Mittler, and Lauryn Walker. "Exploring the Black Box of Mltss Care Coordination: Are Member Experiences with Care Coordinators Associated with Subsequent Utilization?." In 2020 Virtual Annual Research Meeting. AcademyHealth.
- He, Daifeng, Peter McHenry, and Jennifer M. Mellor. "The Effects of Medicare Payment Changes on Nursing Home Staffing." American Journal of Health Economics6, no. 4 (2020): 411-443.
- Moody, C.E., Marvell, T.B. ” Clustering and Standard Error Bias in Fixed Effects Panel Data Regressions”. J Quant Criminol36, 347–369, (2020)
- Lott, John R. and Carlisle E. Jr. Moody. “Brought Into the Open: How the U.S. Compares to Other Countries in the Rate of Public Mass Shooters” · Econ Journal Watch 71: 1 (2020).
- Pereira, Alfredo Marvão, and Rui Manuel Pereira. "How Does Infrastructure Investment Affect Macroeconomic Performance? Evidence from Portugal." Journal of infrastructure development11, no. 1-2 (2020): 14-40.
- Pereira, Alfredo Marvão, and Rui Manuel Pereira. "Infrastructure investment, labor productivity, and international competitiveness: the case of Portugal." Journal of Economic Development, Vol 45(2),(2020) :1-29.
- Pereira, Alfredo Marvao, and Rui Manuel Pereira. "Infrastructure investment in Portugal and the traded/non-traded industry mix." Journal of Infrastructure, Policy and Development4, no. 1 (2020): 1-26.
- Belbute, José, and Alfredo Pereira. "ARFIMA Reference Forecasts for Worldwide CO2 Emissions and the Need for Large and Frontloaded Decarbonization Policies." Journal of Economics and Public Finance6, no. 4 (2020): 41-57.
- Hong, Kai, Peter A. Savelyev, and Kegon TK Tan. "Understanding the mechanisms linking college education with longevity." Journal of Human Capital14, no. 3 (2020): 371-400.
- Stafford, Sarah L. "Encouraging Living Shorelines over Shoreline Armoring: Insights from Property Owners Choices in the Chesapeake Bay." Coastal Management48, no. 6 (2020): 559-576.
- Stafford, Sarah, and Amanda G. Guthrie. "What drives property owners to modify their shorelines? A case study of Gloucester County, Virginia." Wetlands40, no. 6 (2020): 1739-1750.
- Atkinson, Tyler, Alexander W. Richter, and Nathaniel A. Throckmorton. "The zero lower bound and estimation accuracy." Journal of Monetary Economics115 (2020): 249-264.