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August 11, 2023

Dear all,

I am totally back in the swing of Friday messages now, as you will see below the line. Just a few announcements: 

The Arts We now have temporary occupancy permits for both new buildings! It’s been a long journey, but we’re here. Thanks so much to all who worked so hard to make this happen. Work continues on some items, but people can walk in and around the buildings now, which is MAJOR. A group of A&S faculty in the arts has been working hard all year on programming and a vision for the arts at W&M, and the President has designated 2023-24 the Year of the Arts. Please look out for more announcements about programming in the new buildings throughout the fall. We are planning a soft opening for the W&M community with Nine: A Tribute to the Little Rock Nine, performed by the Leah Glenn Dance Theatre alongside W&M students, at 7:30 on Saturday, September 9. Stay tuned for details. And I encourage you to start planning now to incorporate arts events into your courses. We want our students to see this building as a second home and a place where they can come to experience the full range of creative and artistic endeavor at W&M and beyond. 

Computing, Data & Applied Sciences Initiative The webpage has been updated to reflect progress to date and plans for future discussion. Please plan to attend the first Faculty of A&S meeting on September 5th at 3:30 for a conversation with the Provost about the steering committee report and her thoughts about next steps. And please plan to stay for a welcome back party immediately after the meeting (at 5). 

Implicit Bias Training Workshops Thank you to Chief Diversity Officer, Chon Glover, and Emily Avesian, Talent Acquisition Manager at University Human Resources, for delivering not one but two trainings today. These trainings are required for anyone who is participating in a search this fall. Instructions for A&S searches, including recommendations for the handling of equity-related issues in your job ad and other materials, are on this page. Diversity statements can no longer be required as part of the application, but (to quote from the page): “units are encouraged, however, in providing instructions to candidates to communicate with candidates that they have the opportunity to reflect on their experience or future plans with inclusive teaching practices in other required documents (e.g., a cover letter or teaching statement).” If candidates are required to address these issues as part of their application, it is appropriate to include assessment of that specific aspect of the application in your scoring rubric. 

Implicit Bias Training Workshops Part II: To assist us in tracking who has completed the training, please complete this form if you did so today. 

Thanks and have a great weekend, 


Suzanne Raitt 

Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences 

Chancellor Professor of English 

Pronouns: she/her/hers 


Me writing my Friday message. I like to do it with just one finger, and I always wear my hat while I am writing it. 

Queen Pointing

And, to continue the bad horse theme, I don't like this one either. I think it’s pretty clear that I am pointing to the left. But it keeps going straight. 


Dear all,

Just to clarify that the new music and PBK buildings are not yet open to anyone who doesn't have a specific need to enter. Music and theater/dance faculty and staff can go in to unpack, but these are still construction sites and others should wait to explore the buildings until we advise you that we have received the appropriate certification from the state.

Thanks and have a great weekend.


Suzanne Raitt 

Dean of the Faculty of Arts & Sciences 

Chancellor Professor of English 

Pronouns: she/her/hers