Molecular Core Facility

If you have questions, please contact Vincent Roggero, Office: ISC 3047, Lab: ISC 3059, phone: 221-3717, email: [[molecularcore]]
Core Lab services are available to all faculty members of the Biology Department. Students whose research projects require use of Core Lab instrumentation are trained in principles of operation and maintenance of instruments by Core Lab personnel.
Standard (Sanger method) sequencing is conducted with Applied Biosystems, Inc (ABI) technology supported by the ABI 3500 Genetic Analyzer. Optional sequence data analysis can be performed with the use of ABI Variant Reporter software. For sequencing requests please submit the following form.
Core Lab offers resources to conduct various genotyping/fragment analysis protocols, supported by ABI GeneMapper software.

There are two ABI real-time PCR instruments available: Step One (48 well format and 5 fluorescent dye capability) and StepOne Plus (96 well format and 7 fluorescent dyes). Both instruments support real-time PCR quantitative assays, gene expression, genotyping and presence-absence experiments.

For research projects requiring absolute PCR target quantification, Core Lab offers digital PCR – Biorad QX200 platform. This instrument also supports rare target detection projects, such as SNP or pathogen detection.

Core Lab offers an Agilent Bioanalyzer platform for a wide range of applications with its lab-on-a-chip technology, high resolution and quantification of RNA and DNA, and protein analysis. Those applications can be also supported by the NanoDrop One or Qubit spectrophotometers.
The recently acquired Odyssey CLx imaging system by Li-Core provides infrared imaging support for all Western Blots applications with Image Studio software.
Core Lab is equipped with a Microplate Absorbance reader – iMark by BioRad with a wavelength range of 400-750 nm; a high performance solution for various immunoassays with colorimetric substrates as well as various protein assays.
For all cell sorting needs Core Lab offers BioRad S3e fully automated cell sorter, with two lasers and up to four fluorescence detectors, plus forward- and side-scatter detectors.
Lastly, Core Lab offers a gel-imaging system – BioRad’s GelDoc EZ. This compact and automated gel imaging instrument enables production of publication-quality images and analyzed imaging results with the four application-specific trays.