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Faculty Assembly


The meeting was called to order at 3:30 p.m. with 34 members present.

The meeting began with an announcement from SA President Rhian Horgan about the bone marrow drive.

Following the announcement, the minutes of the meeting of February 23rd were approved as distributed.

I. Old Business Academic

A. Advisory Committee. Committee Chair Barbara Watkinson moved approval of the non- academic leave policy (III. F. 7. b. of the Handbook) after providing an account of its troubled past, and noting the addition of the following footnote defining eligibility: "The above stated policy applies to all person holding full-time academic appointments in a department or school of the College and all persons holding full-time administrative or professional appointments, regardless of the source of funds. The above-stated policy does not apply to persons holding one-year fixed-term appointments." As at the previous meeting, an Assembly member then asked that faculty members from the GLB Caucus be recognized. These faculty members reiterated their concerns about the policy's limited coverage, but urged acceptance of the policy while also urging us to go back to our departments to work to ensure that colleagues not protected by the policy are at least protected by their colleagues. Discussion was brief, with one member voicing again his objections to the policy on the grounds that it was deliberately exclusive. The motion passed, 32 in favor, 2 against.

II. Administrative Reports.

A. Provost Gillian Cell reported that the SWOT portion of the Strategic Planning update had been taken to the Board of Visitors for approval at a special meeting on March 17, where it received little comment, except on the vision statement. She announced that the document would be forwarded to the Assembly for our review, and that changes, if any, in the wording of the vision statement would be forwarded by April 15. She reminded us that this portion was only a part of the overall update, and that the Deans were working with their faculties on updates specific to the Schools. In response to a question about the process for implementing the non-academic leave policy, the Provost replied that the policy had already been sent to the Attorney General's Office, that it would come before the BOV in April, and if approved, be in effect for next year.

B. Vice President for Budget and Finance Sam Jones was asked to speak in response to Professor Terry Meyers' proposal that student fees be broken down in the catalog. Before VP Jones began his presentation, Assembly President George Bass invited Professor Meyers to present his proposal. Professor Meyers noted that student fees remain hidden, particularly the Intercollegiate Athletic fee, which accounts for about 16% of the total. Vice President Jones addressed increases in general fees in the context of overall costs to students, showing the increases in total costs for in- and out-of-state students from 97-98 to 98-99. Then he looked more specifically at the allocation of general fees, noting that auxiliary services are services not paid for by the Commonwealth and that mandated raises resulted in necessary increases in student fees. In response to questions, Jones noted that any revenues brought in from W&M Hall go into the budget, but that those are minimal; and he affirmed that graduate students pay the same fees as undergraduates. In response to a question about whether we are hurt politically by the perception that we have not cut costs at a level commensurate with the Governor's recommendations, the Provost replied that some BOV members were concerned about increases in fees, but that they were being informed about financial pressures on the College.

The discussion then turned to athletic fees. Assembly members raised concerns about costs incurred by Plumeri Park and about the possibility of optional fees; Vice President Jones replied that we had incurred no debt from Plumeri Park, and that, as a relatively small school, we could not support our athletic programs without broad-based student support. When an Assembly member tried to bring the discussion back to the actual proposal_to break out fees generally_Professor Meyers noted that his intention with the proposal was to lower the fees by making people aware that some fees_especially the athletic fee_was embarrassingly high.

At this point, Assembly members wondered whether or not there was a motion on the floor. The Executive Committee, to which the proposal had been originally sent for reconsideration, reported that it had been divided on the wisdom of recommending its approval and so turned the issue to the Assembly at large. Approval of the proposal was moved and seconded. Discussion again turned to the athletic fee, with some members noting that athletic programs might help to bring in students, while others maintained that the fees were too high. A few noted that they did not know what the consequences of publishing the fees might be. The question was called; 11 members voted in favor of the resolution, and 10 against. As the vote was announced, an assembly member noted that he had not voted, but would like to. After some discussion, a member who had voted for the resolution requested reconsideration so that the abstaining member could vote. The motion was reconsidered, this time with 11 voting in favor, 11 against, and 2 abstaining. The motion did not carry.

III. Reports of Standing Committees.

A. Executive Committee. Because of the lateness of the hour, committee reports and new business were delayed until the next meeting. Assembly Vice President David Lutzer noted that the annual (election) meeting would be held April 20th, and encouraged any continuing members who had not yet volunteered for a committee assignment, but who would like to, to do so. President George Bass noted that BPAC would circulate the Strategic Plan as reviewed by the BOV, and reminded members that we would consider the proposal to restructure the Assembly at the next meeting.

The meeting was adjourned too long after 500.

Respectfully submitted,

Colleen Kennedy