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Sustainability Tool Library

The main purpose of the Sustainability Tool Library is to provide a common set of equipment that can be used, under supervision, for the completion of Green Fee projects and select sustainability initiatives. The Tool Library is not meant to be the source of equipment long term for projects (ex: shovels for a garden), but reduces the need for funds to be spent on tools that are often only needed for a short time.

Tim Russell, Space Data Manager and Sustainability’s construction advisor, manages the Tool Library and provides supervision on tool use, where appropriate. Please contact Tim Russell at [[tmruss]] with any questions about availability and use of equipment prior to submitting a proposal. 

Spade 4
Shovel 4
Bow Rake 2
Leaf Rake 1
Post Hole Digging Tamping Bar 1
Post Hole Digger 1
Fork Hoe 3
Stirrup Hoe 1
Standard Hoe 1
Wheelbarrow 2
Wood Trough 1
Watering Cans 4
Buckets 3
Hose 6
Weedwacker, electric 1