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Food (Catering, Business Meals, etc.)

America To Go - Local Catering Program

Access America to go

America To Go (ATG) is the campus's online catering platform for on-campus food needs. This tool provides a central location to find and order prepared foods for campus needs.  All food purchases must follow business meal guidelines as outlined by the Travel Department.  

For information on mobile food vendors, visit Procedures for Sponsoring On-Campus Mobile Food Vendors.

Program Overview

William & Mary employees can use the link shown above to enter the ATG portal to place food orders for local events.  This program went live on August 6, 2018, and is required as of September 1, 2018, to be used for orders paid with university funds (state or local).


All business meals made within the America to Go (ATG) platform are subject to audit and, as such, must have appropriate business justification and be accompanied by required supporting information. Individuals who do not comply with the Business Meal Policy may have ATG access suspended or permanently removed. Disciplinary action will be enforced by the Program Administrator and/or Supply Chain Services based on the severity of the violation. Typical suspension periods for failure to comply with policy will be 30 or 60 days. Severe infractions will result in revocation of ATG access.

Violations of policy include but are not limited to:

  • Incorrect utilization of State funds when only Local funds are allowable.
  • If an ATG order is both placed and approved by the same individual.
  • Failure to provide the full name and affiliation to W&M for all meal attendees when there are 10 or less attendees.
  • Disallowable meals which do not fall under one of the five appropriate food and beverage functions listed in the Business Meal Policy.
  • Failure to provide a specific business justification for exceeding per diem.


1st Occurrence – courtesy email warning
2nd Occurrence – 15-day system suspension
3rd Occurrence – 30-day system suspension
4th Occurrence – 60-day system suspension

Occurrences will re-set at the beginning of each Fiscal Year

Contact Information

For ATG questions and to request new program vendors, please contact Vivian Borden, ATG Account Manager at 917-344-9056 or

Please contact Procurement Services at [[procure]] or more information on the ATG program.

America To Go Customer Service can be reached at 866-ATG-TOGO (284-8646) or

Frequently Asked Questions

ATG Frequently Asked Questions (.doc)

Custom Order Process (.pdf)

Program Exclusions

The following list contains common exclusions from required ATG program use.

  • Off-campus events or business meals held at restaurants.
  • Grocery store purchases of prepackaged products under $200.
Training & Resources

Cornerstone Training
ATG Training