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Spatial analysis of global Alliance for Zero Extinction Sites

Research Location: Texas and Oklahoma Grasslands, USA
Conservation Partners: American Bird Conservancy and the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture

Student Researcher

Sidonie Horn ’22, Major: Biology

Faculty Mentor
Dr. Robert Rose
Project Description

The Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) is a consortium of more than 100 partners from around the world working to identify and safeguard the most important sites for preventing global extinctions, sites that are the last remaining refuges for one or more endangered species. Currently, 853 AZE sites have been identified for 1,483 species globally. This project focused on a spatial analysis of AZE sites and the development of a 10 km buffer around the sites, including overlap with existing protected areas and other designated sites, land cover, deforestation, and other habitat changes. Results from this analysis will be used to prioritize sites for conservation and to direct conservation action at specific AZE sites.

Sidonie gathered existing data layers on protected areas, other designated sites and land cover in broad categories from published or publicly available sources and deforestation data based on Global Forest Watch and others. She then conducted analyses to develop new data layers and create maps showing the results of the analyses. These data layers and maps will be used for conservation planning and to raise awareness on the AZE website, at conferences, and in workshops.

Project ID - Format
22-026-22 - Conservation GIS Lab