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Analysis and Visualization of Migratory Bird Hunting Data

Research Location: Implemented: USA; Headquartered: Washington, DC, USA
Conservation Partner: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Student Researcher

Lauren Kohout ’21, Major: Biology, Minor: Data Science

Faculty Mentor
Dr. Robert Rose
Project Description

Lauren worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) to facilitate and perform data analysis for its Migratory Bird Program needed to make their migratory bird data more useable and accessible for community engagement and conservation.

USFWS bases its analysis and decisions on annual surveys of migratory bird hunters and their harvests. Lauren’s project involved updating code and visualizations of bird harvests to include recent data. These visualizations will better inform USFWS. They will also improve how the agency engages hunters by increasing their understanding of the context and significance of the data they provide.

Project ID - Format
20-005-20 - CRP Year