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Development of a fine scale layer of sub-Saharan water projects

Research Location: Sub-Saharan Africa
Conservation Partner: Conservation International

Student Researcher

Vince Tandaw ’20, Major: Economics, Major: Data Science

Faculty Mentor
Dr. Robert Rose
Project Description

Conservation International and other conservation and public health organizations need a fine-scale layer of water projects to guide and ensure coordination on water initiatives to support conservation and human well-being.

Vince Tandaw worked with Conservation International to address this question: Can high-resolution imagery and other ancillary spatial data be used to develop a fine-scale layer of sub-Saharan water projects? Vince addressed this question by first identifying individual records from an existing AidData database pertaining to built interventions (e.g. dams, treatment plants, wells, distribution systems, and social interventions, e.g. trainings, hand-washing stations). Next, these built interventions were categorized as “completed,” “under construction” and “planned.” Finally, Vince used high-resolution imagery and GIS tools to make high-quality maps of project locations and footprints.

Vince's analysis served as an input layer for a larger data synthesis/modeling project that is looking at greywater infrastructure across sub-Saharan Africa. Through this program, Vince interacted with Stanford University contractors, National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center postdoc(s) and interns at NASA and the University of Wisconsin, and gained exposure to a larger research team through remote participation in Conservation International meetings and webinars.

Project ID - Format
20-004-20 - CRP Year