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How We Support Projects

We know there’s a lot that goes into world class research. And we want to make it as easy as possible for you to be able to roll up your sleeves and dive into your work.

Research Support for Projects
Innovation Funds

For the times when you have an idea that is just on the edge of crazy-enough-to-make-a-difference, pitch it to us. We may be able to help provide seed funding to get your project off the ground.

Hire & Recruit Students

Students are core to who we are at W&M and the Institute, and we’re glad you want to work with them! We can help spread the word for your opportunities via our weekly digest and social media, as well as helping with the financial paperwork you need for them to be happy and employed.

Support Proposal Development

When you are ready to scale your project, we can help with budget preparation and coordination with W&M’s Office of Sponsored Research.

Manage Grants & Gifts

Once your idea gets the notice it deserves, we know you will work hard to be accountable for those funds. We’ll help you keep track of every dollar and cent to make sure you can do as much as possible to meet your own and your funder’s goals.

Communications & Outreach

We want you to get credit for your good work. We can help amplify it, whether through our website and social media, workshops with DC practitioners, or connections to W&M alums in the fields you care about. As a wise sage surely said somewhere, if good research exists only behind a paywall, does it truly make a difference? Let’s get your results out into the world!