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Julius Odhiambo

Assistant Professor of Kinesiology

Area: Faculty of Arts & Sciences
Research Focus: The application of spatial and spatio-temporal methods to better understand the geographical patterns of maternal and child health outcomes, assess their relationship with potential risk factors, identify clusters and measure inequalities both at small-area resolution as well as at country scales
Email: [[jnodhiambo]]

Julius Odhiambo, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, earned his Ph.D. in Public Health from the University of KwaZulu Natal in Durban, South Africa. Professor Odhiambo’s research focuses on the application of spatial and spatio-temporal methods to better understand the geographical patterns of maternal and child health outcomes, assess their relationship with potential risk factors, identify clusters and measure inequalities both at small-area resolution as well as at country scales. At William & Mary, Professor Odhiambo will be teaching Global Health and Methods in Health and Development.