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Adriane Michaelis

Assistant Professor of Marine Science

Area: VIMS
Research Focus: Cultural ecosystem services associated with coastal systems, fisheries, and aquaculture; social license and acceptability for aquaculture; livelihood diversification within aquaculture and commercial fisheries; the social impact of aquaculture development
Email: [[akmichaelis]]


I am an ecological anthropologist with an interdisciplinary approach to understanding human-nature relationships in coastal systems. Most recently, my research frames aquaculture development through a social-ecological lens and involves applied, participatory projects intended to advance the state of the science as well as produce actionable, community-responsive, and industry/management-relevant results.  

Ongoing research topics include: cultural ecosystem services associated with coastal systems, fisheries, and aquaculture; social license and acceptability for aquaculture; livelihood diversification within aquaculture and commercial fisheries; the social impact of aquaculture development. 

Though much of my research centers on the social dimensions of aquaculture, I am interested in the implications of changing social-ecological systems broadly. While currently seeking students for aquaculture-focused research, I also welcome students interested in other socially-oriented coastal topics.