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Enforcement is a necessary aspect of maintaining a safe and efficient campus. Every attempt will be made to maintain consistency and fairness of enforcement. Citation fines must be paid or appealed within ten business days from the date of the ticket.

1. William & Mary Police will enforce all appropriate provisions of the motor vehicle laws described in the Code of Virginia, the City of Williamsburg Traffic Regulations, Motor Vehicle Regulations of the College of William & Mary, and along with Parking Services will enforce the Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations of the College of William & Mary.

2. The decal owner will be held responsible for any violation involving the vehicle, even if the violation was committed by another. In instances where there is no decal, the registered owner will be considered responsible for the citation unless a different determination can be made.

3. William & Mary Police and Parking Services are authorized to remove by towing or immobilize by wheel lock, at the owner's expense, any vehicle which is in violation of these regulations.

4.  With the exception of timed spaces, meter violations, and loading zones issuance of citations will be limited to one (1) per calendar day, unless the vehicle has been moved.

5. Vehicles that are towed off campus will be held at the owner's expense at a private, licensed garage until the owner presents a paid receipt from Parking Services for outstanding fines, proof of ownership of the vehicle and payment of the towing fee. In addition, the garage may also charge a storage fee.

6. The owner or operator of a vehicle that has been wheel locked must contact parking services within 48 hours, pay any outstanding fines, and the additional wheel lock fee of $60.00 before the wheel lock will be removed.Unauthorized removal or tampering with a wheel lock will result in a fine. Such action may also result in criminal prosecution, felonious charges and/or judicial action by the Honor Council.Vehicles wheel locked in excess of 48 hours will be towed off campus to a private licensed garage at the owner's expense or to an area determined by Parking Services.

Parking services does not enjoy distributing citations, but does so in order to maintain safety and efficiency on our campus. In order to avoid receiving a citation, please adhere to the posted signage and Rules and Regulations within this website.