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Majoring in Theatre

The Department of Theatre & Performance offers a B.A. in Theatre. Theatre inherently embraces the liberal arts, fusing historical and theoretical studies with creative work. We expect theatre majors to become knowledgeable about all facets of theatrical practice including direction, design, technical production, and performance. Our undergraduates excel because the department provides major opportunities for students to fulfill high level production assignments and in-depth scholarly research, including Honors projects, while investigating a variety of theatrical genres.

The Practicum in Theatre is an important part of the Theatre Major. These assignments provide leadership opportunities, resume-building experiences, and close contact with faculty mentors.

A major in Theatre requires a minimum of 36 credits in a variety of theatre courses to ensure a well-rounded program. Students considering a Theatre major are advised to take either THEA 200 or THEA 150 in their freshman year. (Students taking 200 may not take 150 for credit and vice versa.)