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Silvia R. Tandeciarz's translation award

Silvia R. Tandeciarz, Chancellor Professor of Hispanic Studies, has been honored for her translation of Juana Iris Goergen's poetry book "Mar en los huesos" into English, titled "Sea in my Bones." Professor Tandeciarz's work has received recognition as the PBS Winter Translation Choice.

Sea in My Bones " interweaves indigenous and African belief systems, languages, and memories to recollect the Caribbean's ancestral past and its imagination of the future. As is true of all memory work, Sea in my Bones simultaneously speaks to the broken present: its cry against injustice rests on the hope that through its labor, 'the Zemies might awaken and the Caribbean peoples' origin be remembered.' A multilingual tour de force that slips between Spanish, Taino, and Yoruba, Goergen's deployment of the poem as trace, as evidence, results in a cacophony of voices that bring together what life has torn apart."