William Hutton
Boswell 330
757 221 2161
Research interests:
Ancient Greek prose and Imperial literature
Professor Hutton's research focuses on Greek literature and culture of the Roman period. He is the author of Describing Greece: Landscape and Literature in the Periegesis of Pausanias (Cambridge, 2005), and is one of the founders and managing editors of the Suda on Line project (http://www.stoa.org/sol). He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas (1995) and came to William and Mary in 1997. He currently teaches advanced Greek and various courses in Greek and Roman history and culture. In 2012 he was named one of the "Best 300 Professors" in the US by the Princeton Review.
Select Publications:
Describing Greece: Landscape and Literature in the Periegesis of Pausanias. Cambridge University Press, 2005.
-Winner of the Outstanding Publication Award of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South.
Suda On-Line, with R. Finkel, C. Roth, P. Rourke, R. Scaife, E. Vandiver & D. Whitehead. 2014: http://www.stoa.org/sol.
"Spatial Dialogues in Pausanias’ Greece.” In D. Rousset, ed. Les concepts de la géographie grecque. Entretiens de la Fondation Hardt sur l’Antiquité classique 68. Geneva, 2023 [Forthcoming]
"Real and Imagined Geographies of Cyprus in Imperial Greek Literature," in K. Caravounis, A. Gavrielatos, G. Karla and A. Papathomas, eds. Cyprus in Texts from Greco-Roman Antiquity. 246-262. Brill. 2022.
"Pausanias, Description of Greece," in R.S. Smith and S.M. Trzaskoma, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Mythography. 290-299. Oxford University Press, 2022.
“Pausanias,” in W. Johnson and D. Richter, eds. The Oxford Handbook of the Second Sophistic. 357-367. Oxford University Press, 2017.
“Travel Writing in the Ancient Mediterranean,” in C. Thompson, ed. Routledge Companion to Travel Writing. 101-111. Routledge, 2016.
“The Importance of Dio’s Travels.” In G. Ricci, ed., Travel, Tourism and Identity; Vol. 7 of the series Culture and Civilization. Piscataway, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 2015: 1-14.
“Digital Scholarship in Classical Studies: A View from the End of the Suda.” Syllecta Classica 25 (2014): 173-191.
“Pausanias and the Mysteries of Hellas.” Transactions of the American Philological Association 140 (2010): 423-454.
"Pausanias the Novelist." In G. Karla (ed.) Fiction on the Fringe: Novelistic Literature in Late Antiquity. Leiden: Brill, 2009: 151-169.
“The Disaster of Roman Rule: Pausanias 8.27.1.” Classical Quarterly 58 (2008): 622-637.
"The Construction of Religious Space in Pausanias." In J. Elsner and I. Rutherford, eds., Pilgrimage in Graeco-Roman & Early Christian Antiquity: Seeing the Gods. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005: 291-317.
“Asine: A Lost City in Lakonia?” Ancient History Bulletin 18 (2004): 22-44.
"The Meaning of qe-te-o in Linear B." Minos 25-26 (1990-91): 105-131.