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Robert Rose

Executive Director, Institute for Integrative Conservation

Tel: 757-570-2050
Email: [[rarose01]]
IIC Contact For: Partnerships and collaborations
Social Media: LinkedIn - Robert Rose {{}}
Focus Areas: Conservation Planning, Conservation GIS & Remote Sensing, Interactive Geovisualization Tools


Robert Rose is the Executive Director for the Institute for Integrative Conservation (IIC) at William & Mary. 

Robert came to William & Mary in 2015 as the Director for the Center for Geospatial Analysis (CGA).  Prior to William & Mary he spent seven years at the Wildlife Conservation Society as the Assistant Director of Conservation Support, a team that provided technical support and training to conservation programs around the globe. 

Robert’s interests include conservation and conservation planning, the use of GIS and remote sensing to better understand drivers of land change and broader conservation issues, the promotion of remote sensing for conservation applications and the integration of advanced and interactive geovisualization tools to better engage students in the classroom. Robert earned a PhD in Geography with a minor in ecology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.