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William McNamara

Associate Professor of Chemistry

Research Areas: Inorganic, Materials
Email: [[wrmcnamara]]
Office / Research Lab: ISC 2035 / ISC 2024
Webpage: {{}}
Office Phone: (757) 221-4868

Areas of Specialization

Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry for Renewable Energy Applications


We utilize an interdisciplinary approach rooted in inorganic chemistry to develop clean and renewable energy.  One of our main focuses involves the development of transition metal catalysts for artificial photosynthesis.  Our specific strategy involves developing electrocatalysts for the reduction of protons.  When coupled with a photovoltaic, these systems will allow for the conversion of sunlight into a clean burning fuel in the form of hydrogen gas.  We rely on a synergy of synthetic, physical, materials, and inorganic chemistry to develop systems for harvesting and utilizing solar energy.

Research Opportunities for Students