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Department Organization 2023-24


Chair: Brett Wilson

Associate Chair: Erin Minear

Director of the Undergraduate Program: Liz Barnes

Director of Writing: Lori Jacobson

Adviser for transfer credit within the US:  Brett Wilson

Adviser for transfer credit from study abroad: Erin Minear

Liaison to the School of Education: Christopher MacGowan

Director of Honors: Melanie Dawson

Director of Creative Writing: Jon Pineda

Scheduling: Liz Barnes, Shanay Butler

Recorder: Alicia Andrzejewski, Jennifer Lorden, Chima Osakwe, Suzette Spencer

Webmaster:  Shanay Butler, Brett Wilson

Standing Committees
Budget: Brett Wilson (chair), Jen Lorden, Simon Joyce, Erin Minear, Talbot Taylor, Shanay Butler (ex officio)

Communications & Engagement Committee: Brett Wilson (chair), Melanie Dawson, Caitlin McGill; undergraduate representatives Shawna Alston and Abby Paras

DEI Committee: Brett Wilson (chair), Shanay Butler, Chima Osakwe, Francesca Sawaya, Suzette Spencer, Lynn Weiss; undergraduate representatives Shawna Alston and Abby Paras

Honors: Melanie Dawson (chair),  Bené Ferrão, Keith Johnson, Deborah Morse, Erin Webster

Nominations and Faculty Awards Committee: Liz Barnes, Simon Joyce, Chris MacGowan

Personnel Committee: Full: Deborah Morse (chair) (2023-26), Adam Potkay (2021-24), Kim Wheatley (2022-25), Associate: Brett Wilson (ex officio), Erin Webster (2023-25), At Large: Jon Pineda (2023-24), Assistant: Jennifer Lorden (23-24), Replacement for Interim/Tenure Reviews: Hermine Pinson (2023-24)

Speakers Committee (Cloud Lecturer, Faculty Fora): Hermine Pinson (chair), Adam Potkay, Francesca Sawaya, Suzette Spencer 

Undergraduate Program Committee (UPC): Liz Barnes (chair/scheduler), Alicia Andrzejewski (Spring), Varun Begley, Henry Hart, Chris MacGowan, Chima Osakwe, Lynn Weiss (Fall)

Prizes and Scholarships Committee (Shrieves Scholarship, Lang Scholarship, Borish Prize, Jack and Anne Willis Scholarship): Varun Begley (Chair), Henry Hart, Kim Wheatley 

Ad hoc Committee on Analytics and Assessment: Lee Alexander, Alicia Andrzejewski (Spring), Leslie Cochrane (Fall), Liz Losh, Erin Minear (Chair)

Creative Writing Committees
Creative Writing Committee: Brian Castleberry (director), Lee Alexander, Henry Hart, Jon Pineda, Hermine Pinson, Addie Tsai

Annual Student Writing Prizes Committee: TBD (chair/coordinator), Lee Alexander, Brian Castleberry, Henry Hart, Jon Pineda, Addie Tsai

Patrick Hayes Writer Series Committee: Brian Castleberry (chair), Henry Hart, Jon Pineda, Hermine Pinson, Addie Tsai

Writer/Artist in Residence Committee: Brian Castleberry (chair), Henry Hart, Jon Pineda, Hermine Pinson, Addie Tsai

Ad Hoc Committee for the Jenkins Scholarship: Brian Castleberry (chair), Henry Hart, Jon Pineda, Addie Tsai
