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In its Honors Program the Physics Department awards one level of Honors to student research projects. The projects listed below have been defended successfully, and a copy of the thesis deposited in Swem Library.

  • Student, "Thesis" (Honors level)
    Committee Chair + Other Committee Members
  • William Bergan, "Measurements of the Lead-hydrocarbon Cross Section Ratio for Charged-current Neutrino Interactions" (Honors) 
    Jeffrey Nelson + Patricia Vahle, Nahrum Zobin and Gina Hoatson
  • David Geroski, "Persistent Population Biases in Branching Random Walk Algorithms" (Honors) 
    Shiwei Zhang + George Rublein and Gina Hoatson
  • Christopher Haufe, "GEANT4 Simulation of Detector Properties in the MOLLER Experiment" (Honors) 
    Wouter Deconinck + Mark Hinders and Gina Hoatson
  • Rachel Hyneman, "Near-Field Effects in Radio Frequency Emission from Particle Showers in a Dense Medium" (Honors)
    Patricia Vahle + Gregory Smith and Gina Hoatson 
  • Cora Karamitsos, "Verication of Medium Energy Geometries & Calibration of the Test Beam" (Honors) 
    Jeff Nelson + Iyabo Osiapem and Gina Hoatson
  • Brandon Kriesten, "A Study of the Cosmic Ray Rate in the CHIPS-M Prototype Detector" (Honors) 
    Patricia Vahle + Pietro Paparella and Gina Hoatson
  • Alice Perrin, "3D Printing Scintillating Detectors for Field Emission Detection in Niobium SRF Cavities" (Honors) 
    Wouter Deconinck + Elizabeth Harbron and Gina Hoatson
  • Andrew Smith, "Studies of Polarized 3He Cell Lifetimes" (Honors) 
    Todd Averett + Cary Humber and Gina Hoatson
  • David Specht, "Growth and Characterization of Gold Nanostructures Produced from Diatomaceous Algae" (Honors) 
    Bill Cooke + Randolph Chambers and Gina Hoatson
  • Marcus Starman, "Effect of Hyperons on Pion Asymmetries Measured in the Qweak Experiment" (Honors) 
    Wouter Deconinck + Larry Leemis, Joshua Erlick and Gina Hoatson
  • Christopher Zoghby, "Production of B Modes in the CMB from Physics Beyond the Standard Model" (Honors) 
    Joshua Erlich + Carey Bagdassarian and Gina Hoatson
  • Jesse Evans, "Implementation and Evaluation of Four Wave Mixing in Optical Gyroscopes" (Honors)
    Irina Novikova + Henry Krakauer, Gunter Luepke

  • Arlough Hollingshad, "Spectroscopic Ellipsometry and Cryogenic Capability" (Honors)
    Mumtax Qazilbash + Henry Krakauer, Robert Pike
  • Anne Mennen, "Clinical and Physiological Analysis of Very Long Apneas in Premature Infants" (Honors)
     John Delos + Henry Krakauer, Christopher Del Negro
  • Timothy Milbourne, "Investigating the Use of Quadrupolar Nuclei for NMR-Based Quantum Information Processing" (Honors)
    Gina K. Hoatson + Henry Krakauer, Robert L. Vold, Tyler K. Meldrum
  • Nicholas Penthorn, "Precision Polarimetry of Polarized 3He" (Honors)
    Todd Averett + Henry Krakauer, Andreas Stathapoulos                                    
  • Rachel Taverner, "Determination and Simulation of Kinematic Parameters in the Qweak Experiment" (Honors)                    
    Wouter Deconinck + Henry Krakauer,  Mary Lou Zapf
  • Elana Urbach, "Development of an Ultracold Rubidium-85 System for Magnetic Molecules and Feshbach Physics" (Honors)
    Seth Aubin + Henry Krakauer, Gunter Luepke                                                                                           
  • Keith Bechtol, "Constraining Particle Physics Models with Supernovae Observations" (Honors)
    Joshua Erlich + Chris Carone, Gina Hoatson, Nicholas Loehr
  • Paul Black, "Characterization of Hybrid 3He Cells Using NMR" (Honors)
    Todd Averett + Gunter Lupke, Gina Hoatson
  • Justin Deighan, "Development of an ultrafast, time-resolved Schlieren imaging system" (Honors)
    Jan Chaloupka + Gene Tracy, Gina Hoatson, Gunter Luepke
  • Ryan Ford, "Genetic Techniques for Spatial Modulation of a Laser Beam" (Honors)
    Jan Chaloupka + Gina Hoatson, George Greenia
  • Kendra Letchworth, "Optimization of the Speed Dependent Line Shape Calculation" (Honors)
    D. Chris Benner + Marc Sher, Gina Hoatson, Sarah Day
  • Alison Pouch, "Ultrasonic Classification of Emboli" (Honors)
    Mark Hinders + Robert Welsh, Gina Hoatson,Christopher Del Negro
  • Kelly Sassin, "Assembly Processes for Scintillator Planes in the MinervA Neutrino Detector" (Honors)
    Jeffrey Nelson + Gina Hoatson, Gunter Luepke
  • Patrick Vora, "A Fourth Generation of Fermions in the Context of the Two Higgs Doublet Model Type III" (Honors)
    Marc Sher + Chris Carone, Gina Hoatson, Leiba Rodman
  • Nicholas Walsh, "Measuring the Transversity from Pion-Pairs using a Longitudinally Polarized Target" (Honors)
    Keith Griffioen + Todd Averett, Gina Hoatson, Timothy Killingback
  • Daniel Damian, "Momentum Analysis of Cosmogenic Muons in the MINOS Detectors" (Honors)
    Jeffrey Nelson + John Delos, Jan Chaloupka, Nahum Zobin
  • Bradley DeBlois, "Monte Carlo Simulation for a New Proton Polarimeter" (Honors)
    Charles Perdrisat + John Delos, Jeffrey Nelson, Michael Lewis
  • Peter deCastro, "Spatially Resolved Spectrometry of Laser-Ionized Matter" (Honors)
    Jan Chaloupka + John Delos, Robert Vold, Jack Kossler
  • Nathaniel Elberfield, "Positron Lifetime Apparatus and Measurements in Materials" (Honors)
    William Kossler + John Delos, Jan Chaloupka, Ed Pease
  • Graham Giovanetti, "Development of Front End Electronics for the Qweak Drift Chambers" (Honors)
    Keith Griffioen + John Delos, Jack Kossler, Virginia Torczon
  • David Rose, "Results Concerning the Aluthge Transform" (Honors)
    Chris Carone + John Delos, Jan Chaloupka, Ilya Spitkovsky
  • Brian Spencer, "An Investigation into the Analysis of TOF-SIMS Data" (Honors)
    William Cooke + John Delos, Jan Chaloupka, Michael Trosset
  • Loreto Alonzi
    W.J. Kossler + Anne Reilly, Chris Carone, Robert Orwoll
  • Laurel Averett
    William Cooke + Todd Averett, Chris Carone, Brian Holloway
  • Erin Buckley
    Todd Averett + Jan Chaloupka, Chris Carone, Brian Kreydatus
  • Adam Holman
    Jan Chaloupka _ Marc Sher, Chris Carone, John Lindberg
  • Jeremy McLean
    Marc Sher + Carl Carlson, Chris Carone, David Feldman
  • Dillon Roach
    William Cooke + Todd Averett, Chris Carone, Michael Como
  • Kelly Sullivan
    Marc Sher + Gina Hoatson, Chris Carone, Larry Leemis
  • Dimitar Vlassarev
    Anne Reilly + Willian Cooke, Chris Carone, Brian Holloway