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Data Stories Created by Students

In Spring 2023, Professor Dana Willner's DATA 303, Data Visualization students used their data science skills to illustrate data shared on the Student Enrollment Trends page. 

The dashboards below were created for Interacting with Data 2, the fourth in a series of skill-building assignments. The first major class project involved a hand-drawn sketch of self-collected data, and the second asked students to use Python programming to make static, non-interactive visualizations. In the third assignment, Interacting with Data 1, students used Plotly in Python to make interactive visualizations. 

Professor Willner created Interacting with Data 2 to contrast the visualization processes the class had already engaged in using a graphical user interface called Tableau. With Tableau, it's straightforward to create professional quality visualizations and combine, interweave, and juxtapose them with other elements in dashboards. These create an interactive, exploratory, and informative experience for the viewer, elucidating known trends and patterns in the data and facilitating novel discoveries.

The primary goal of the Interacting with Data 2 assignment was to create an interactive dashboard visualizing trends in undergraduate enrollment, including total enrollment over time and at least one of the degrees granted by academic areas and/or majors and minors. 

Beyond the baseline assignment, some students created dashboards that include information on graduate enrollment, degrees and areas of study. Others created Tableau Stories, which combine dashboards and visualizations over multiple pages to construct a narrative. 

Baseline Assignment: Undergrad Trends, Limited Plot Types

Select a student's name to view their project:

Variations (Graduate Data, Unique Chart Types or Stories)

Select a project name to explore the data stories:

Tableau Story comparing grad vs. undergrad enrollment and 2022 graduate enrollment by program 
by Harry Choi

Dashboard with radial plot
by Olivia Wachob

A Tableau Story about the data science major/program
by Ella Kuhnhenn

Comparison of graduate and undergraduate enrollment by areas side by side 
by Tiffany Nguyen and Lila Yimtatu
Undergraduate and graduate enrollment comparison
by Colin Purtell