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Parking Appeals Committee

The Parking Appeals Committee is responsible for reviewing appeals from students, faculty and visitors and acting on special requests for passes that include medical reasons, community service volunteering and work exemptions.  Community members at William & Mary have the right to appeal any parking citation within 10 days of receiving the citation. The operation of a motor vehicle on campus constitutes implied consent for responsibility for parking violations. The Parking Appeals Committee will handle all appeals within 30 days of their receipt.

  • Committee is appointed
  • Term:  3 years (faculty), 1 year (students)
  • Advisory:  Vice President, Administration
  • Chair:  Elected by Committee
Membership (2024-25)

Elizabeth Burgin
LaToya Chambers*
Alejandro Gelves
Graham Henshaw*
Spencer Jenik*
Sharon Mikanowicz
Caleb Stone
Tate Twinam*
Bill Horacio, Ex Officio
Bob Olson, Ex Officio

*indicates new member