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Charlie Stream Winner

Charlie Stream Winner
CyberOps - Cambridge University; University of St. Andrews; William & Mary

The contours of the information landscape are evolving faster than ever. 

But while information is everywhere, “truth” and ways to verify it is in short supply. This whole-of-society issue is one which requires an equally holistic set of solutions. The novel solutions proposed here not only make use of an existing social media infrastructure to pit like against like, but instigates anticipatory, ground-level participation from those traditionally at the margins. 

In a sensitive ecosystem which can be engineered for nefarious purposes, we look to operationalizing actors across the spectrum and mobilizing both digital and civil tools in a new direction.

Our proposal goes with the grain, towards principles of behavioral economics to build in greater critical thinking via intrinsically motivated behaviors. A global issue requires a global solution rather than a solely US interventionist slant in regards to implementation and execution. 

Click here to view a recording of CyberOps's presentation