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Becca Marcus

Mindfulness Meditation

Email: [[bnmarc]]

Becca Nimmer Marcus works at the Wellness Center teaching short (non-credit) courses to students, faculty and staff on Introduction to Mindfulness.  She has worked at William and Mary for over thirty years and was a counselor at the WM Counseling Center for many years before transitioning to the Wellness Center.  She loves spending time with her family and friends, being in nature, hiking and taking her dog for walks.  She has traveled to almost 50 countries and enjoys learning about and meeting people from different cultures and backgrounds.  She has lived abroad for periods of time in three different countries. 

Becca practices mindfulness daily and says it has changed her life for the better, including helping her overcome excessive worrying.  She would like the opportunity to teach mindfulness skills to more people in the campus community.  Although the course is only four sessions, students remark that they notice the tremendous impact mindfulness practice can have on one’s daily life. 

Becca believes that we can all benefit from practicing mindfulness to help us navigate our personal lives as well as to deal with the challenges we face in the world around us.  It is not necessary to be able to empty one’s mind to practice mindfulness.  Instead, we practice becoming more aware and present for what is happening in our lives and use that information to make more measured decisions.