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Icon Library

The following icon previews show the green icon color. When building a row, a gold icon color choice will also be available.

A five column table of icon names, visual examples of three styles and suggested uses.
Icon Name Outline Filled Duotone Suggested Uses

Math, Calculation, Academics


Contacts, Directory


Reminders, Time

ampersand And

Marine, Ship, Sail, Nautical, VIMS




Statistic, Increase


Direction, Up, Increase, Top




Enlarge, Scale, Size, Open, Expand


Together, Unity, Inclusive


Science, STEM


Accolades, Certification, Win, Prize, Achievement

backpack Student
bacteria Virus, Science
badge-check Verify, Checklist
badge-dollar Money, Currency

Items, Commerce, Purchase, Gift

balloon Celebration, Party, Event
ballot-check Checklist, To-Do, Form
ban Not Allowed, No, Negative
ban-smoking Health, Safety, Policy, Law, Drug, Nicotine, Tobacco, Prohibit, Cigarette, Deny
bank Money, Government, Bank, City, Building, Business
bars-progress Data, Statistics, Business, Graph, Analytics, Trends
bed Sleep, Residence Halls, Wellness
bell Reminders, Wren, Traditions
bicycle Transportation, Travel, Bike, Exercise
book Study, Education, Text, Library, School, Read, Student
book-open Study, Education, Text, Library, School, Read, Student
book-open-reader Study, Education, Text, Library, School, Read, Student, Desk, Research
books Study, Education, Text, Library, School, Read, Student
box-open Packing, Storage, Move In, Organization
bowl-hot Meal, Heat, Hot, Food, Steam
brain Education, Study, Medical, Think, Smart
briefcase Law, Business, Office, Entrepreneur, Careers, Legal, Professional
briefcase-medical Health, Help, Support, Nurse, Hospital
building City, Residence Halls, Urban
bullhorn Announcement, Reminder, Voice, Bulletin, Speech, Communication
bullseye-arrow Target, Accuracy, Goals, Focus
burger-soda Food, Concessions, Lunch, Meal
bus Transportation, City, Travel, Services
business-time Corporate, Timeline, Deadline, Clock, Work
calculator Math, School, Education, STEM
calendar-days Reminders, Schedule, Events
calendar-clock Reminders, Schedule, Events, Time
camera Photography, Image
car Travel, Transportation, Parking, Directions, Services
cart-shopping Commerce, Store, Checkout, Purchase, Buy
chalkboard-user Faculty, Professor, Education, Classroom
chart-area Statistics, Graph, Data, Diagram, Results, Business
chart-bar Statistics, Graph, Data, Diagram, Results, Business
chart-line-up Statistics, Graph, Data, Diagram, Results, Trends, Increase, School of Business
chart-mixed Statistics, Graph, Data, Diagram, Results, Trends, Increase, Business
chart-pie-simple Statistics, Graph, Data, Diagram, Results, Trends, Business
chart-user Statistics, Graph, Data, Diagram, Results, Trends, Increase, User, Business
circle-info Information, Help, Support
circle-play Video, Watch, YouTube
city City, Urban, Buildings, Location
clipboard Reminders, Checklist, Signup, Form
clock Time, Schedule, Reminders, Event
comment Help, Support, Chat, Request, Feedback
comments Help, Conversation, Support, Chat, Feedback
compass Discovery, Explore, Search, Web
couch Living, House, Home, Lounge, Seat, Chair, Communal, Furniture, Relax, Sofa
desktop Computer, Technology, Digital, Work
diagram-project Coding, Charts, Connection, Business, Graph, Data
diploma Graduation, Award, Commencement, Achievement
dollar-sign Money, Dollar, Giving, Price, Cost
dolly Moving, Packing, Move In
earth-africa Global, Environment, Sustainability, Africa, International
earth-americas Global, Environment, Sustainability, Americas, International
earth-asia Global, Environment, Sustainability, Asia, International
earth-europe Global, Environment, Sustainability, Europe, International
earth-oceania Global, Environment, Sustainability, Oceania, International
envelope Mail, Email, Message, Send, Letter
exclamation Important, Reminder, Help, Support
family-pants Parent, Guardian, People, Group
file Document, PDF, Download, Resources
fish Marine, Water, Nautical, Ocean, Animal, VIMS
flag Alert, Attention, Warning, Important, Help
flag-pennant Alert, Attention, Warning, Important, Help, Spirit, Pride
flask Science, Chemistry, Lab, STEM
folder-open Files, Document, Portfolio, Resources, Archive
fork-knife Dining, Food, Meal, Eating
forward Progress, Next, Ahead

Speed, Pressure, Risk, Measure

gear Support, System, Settings, Options, Operations
gift Present, Donation, Package, Special
globe International, Business
graduation-cap Diploma, Commencement, Event, Achievement, Goal
hand-fist Unity, Justice, Equality, Power, Solidarity
hand-holding-dollar Support, Fund, Money, Giving, Gift, Business, Currency, Donate, Donor, Grant, Pay, Offer
hand-holding-heart Giving, Support, Donation, Help, Outreach, Volunteer
handshake Deal, Giving, Help, Interview, Business, Partnership, LinkedIn
hand-wave Welcome, Greeting, Friendly, Move-In, Orientation, Hello, Request, Help
hashtag Trends, Social Media, Hashtags, Numbers
head-side-brain School of Education, Study, Medical, Think, Smart
head-side-heart Love, Care, Health, Mindfulness
heart Heart, Love, Giving, Care, Instagram, X
hotel Lodging, Building, City, Residence Hall, Travel, Accommodations
house Home, Profile, Travel, Living, User
house-laptop Remote, Work, Learning, Online, Virtual
id-card Student ID, Tribe Card, User, Person, License
images Photo Gallery, Collection, Media, Album
industry-windows Buildings, Map, Energy, Factory, Work, Jobs, Business
key Security, Lock, Unlock, Success, Safe
keynote Presentation, Lecture, Speaker, Business, Talking, Pitch, Speech
laptop Computer, Online, Web, Internet, Technology, Virtual
layer-group Stack, Floor, Design, Group, Bundle, Organize, UI, Platform, Arrange
leaf Sustainability, Growth, Nourish, Environment, Plants, Seasons, Nature, Green
lightbulb-on Idea, Thinking, Bright, Smart
location-dot Direction, Place, Start, End, Map, Journey, Adventure
magnifying-glass Search, Information, Help, Resources
map-location-dot Direction, Place, Discover, Explore, Journey, Adventure
mask-face Sanitation, Safety, COVID-19, Health, Guidelines
masks-theater Drama, Performance, Arts, Acting, Stage, Emotions
medal Award, Accolade, Goals, Achievement, Prize, Winning
message-exclamation Help, Important, Reminder, Resources, Support
message-question Help, Ask, Help, Resources, Support
message-quote Testimonial, Speech, Speaker, Words
messages-dollar Money, Marketing, Talking, Comments, Currency, Ask, Conversation
microphone Audio, Podcast, Speech, Talking, Media
microscope Lab, Research, STEM, Discover
mobile-screen-button Cell Phone, Call, Text, Contact, Alerts, Telephone, Reminders
money-bill-1-wave Dollar, Giving, Payment, Currency, Spending, Saving, Cost
mug-saucer Coffee, Tea, Beverage, Cafe
music Song, Sing, Audio, Sound, Event, Concert
newspaper Article, Press, Information, Writing, Journalism
oven Cooking, Kitchen, Baking, Food, Stove, House, Home, Appliance
paintbrush-pencil Art, Drawing, Creativity, Arts & Sciences, 
panorama Virtual Tour, 360, Photo, Image
paperclip Attachment, File, Reminder, Resources, Help
paper-plane Message, Email, Send, Request, Help
pen Writing, Message, Art, Drawing, Creativity, Idea
people-group Family, Community, Students, Team, Staff, Users, Together, Crowd
people-roof House, Housing, Communal, Living, Family, Co-Ed, Group, Home, Shelter, Together
person-swimming Exercise, Recreation, Wellness, Water
phone Call, Contact, Telephone
photo-film Media, Entertainment, Image, Video, Attachments, Gallery, Instagram, X
piggy-bank Money, Saving, Cost, Spend
podcast Audio, Show
podium Speaker, Presentation, Political, Business, Pitch, Talking, Speech
presentation-screen School of Business, Pitch
puzzle-piece Connection, Strategy, Think
recycle Renew, Sustainability, Environment, Green
rocket-launch Start, Forward, Take Off, Goals, Ideas
rss Feed, Blog, Subscribe
scale-balanced Law School, Weight, Equality, Justice, Government, Legal
school Education, College, Building, Campus, University
screen-users Classroom, Students, Group, Audience, Presentation
screwdriver-wrench Help, Settings, Support, Fix, Work Order, Resources
scroll-old Charter, History, Archive
seedling Growth, Sustainability, Nourish, Nature, Plant, Green
ship Marine, Boat, Water, Nautical, Ocean, Travel, VIMS, School of Marine Science
shirt Clothing, Packing, Merchandise, Store
shower Water, Bathroom, Clean, Health, Home, House, Wash, Health, Hygiene, Bath, Faucet
signal-stream Message, Frequency, Radio
signs-post Direction, Path, Options, Help
sitemap Coding, Charts, Connection, Diagram, Business, Graph, Data, Web, Planning, Structure
square-parking Information, Event
star-sharp Favorite, Important, Highlight
sun Solar, Environment, Nature, Light, Bright
temperature-snow Weather, Cold, Freezing, Fridgid, Winter, Air Conditioning, Thermometer
thought-bubble Thinking, Ideas, Brainstorm, Dream, Feedback, Question
thumbs-up Like, Approve, Favorite, Facebook
ticket Admission, Movie, Event, Concert
timeline Order, Chronological, Archive, History, Connection, Data
transporter Dance, Performance, Theatre, Stage, Spotlight
trees Environment, Outside, Sustainability, Nature, Green, Plant, Forest
trophy Awards, Prize, Goals, Best
tv Television, Screen, Electronics, Watch, Movie, Show, Stream, Cable, Technology, Display
umbrella Weather, Rain
user Student, Profile, Person
user-group People, Students, Mentor
users People, Group, Students, Mentor, Team, Staff
user-shield User Security, Defense, Safety, Protection
video Camera, Watch, Movie, Media, YouTube
virus Virus, COVID-19
washing-machine Clothes, Laundry, Laundromat, Home, House, Appliance, Clean
wheelchair Accessibility
wifi Signal, Connection, Internet, Digital, Service