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Step by Step Accommodate Registration Instructions

step by step accommodate instructions

For students who are already registered with SAS:
To activate accommodations for which you recently were approved, follow these steps: 

Step 1: Sign in to Accommodate.  
Step 2: On the left side of the page, select "Accommodation" and then "Accommodation Activation Request."  
Step 3: Click on “Add New” at the bottom. 
Step 4: Your accommodations will appear in the blue box.  Select the appropriate semester from the drop-down menu and choose either “Submit for All Accommodations” or “Review this Renewal” (select “Review this Renewal” to individualize the accommodations sent to each your individual professors, e.g., if you do not want the same accommodations sent to all your professors). 
Step 5: Once we have processed your renewal request (typically within two business days), we will send your accommodation letter to your professors, and you will be copied.   
 For students who are registering for the first time with SAS:

Step 1: Sign in to Accommodate. The form will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. 
Step 2: On the left side of the page, hover over the word/menu item “Accommodation.”  
Step 3: Select “Accessibility Request” (for first-time requests) or "Supplemental Request" (for additional requests) from the Accommodation drop-down choices.  
Step 4: Upload supporting medical documentation to your Accommodate request, if you have your documentation in hand; if not, you can email it or fax it to us (757-221-2538)
Step 5:  Complete your request.  T

We recommend that you ask your healthcare provider(s) to fill out the Provider Form and, if relevant, the corresponding addendum related to your specific type of accommodation request: Academic, Service or Emotional Support Animal, Housing, or Parking and Transportation. Your provider can return their documentation to you, and you can submit it to us, or they can submit it directly to us via fax (757) 221-2538 or email (