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What to expect from the 2016 New Hampshire primary

Professor of Government John J. McGlennon recently joined William & Mary News to discuss the upcoming 2016 New Hampshire primary, which is scheduled to take place Feb. 9.

The New Hampshire primary is the first primary election held in the United States and the second step following the Iowa Caucuses in choosing the Democratic and Republican nominees for the presidency.

In this video, McGlennon discussed the outcome of the 2016 Iowa Caucus and what effect it will have on the upcoming New Hampshire primary for the favored Republican and Democratic candidates.


“The outcome in Iowa was an interesting one and tells us that the 2016 nomination contest for both parties will likely go on for a while,” He said.

McGlennon is currently chair of the government department at William & Mary.  His current research is focused on the change in Southern politics and the relationship between increased party competition and policy choices by Southern governments.