Marc Sher
Professor of Physics
Small Hall 330C
Research Interests
Theory of electroweak interactions, Higgs phenomenology, cosmological phase transitions, astrophysics, supersymmetry
BSc UCLA 1974; PhD University of Colorado 1980
Refereed publications
Permutation on hybrid natural inflation
Chris Carone, Josh Erlich, Marc Sher and Raymundo Ramos
Phys. Rev. D90 (2014) 063521
LHC Constraints on the Lee-Wick Higgs Sector
Chris Carone, Raymundo Ramos and Marc Sher
Phys. Lett. B732 (2014) 122
Charged Higgs Discovery in the W plus Dark Vector Boson Decay Mode
Hooman Davoudiasl, Bill Marciano, Raymundo Ramos and Marc Sher
Phys. Rev. D89 (2014) 115008
Next-to-minimal two Higgs Doublet Model
C-Y Chen, M. Freid and M. Sher
Phys. Rev. D89 (2014) 075009
Article in press
The lifetime of the electroweak vacuum and sensitivity to Planck scale physics
V. Branchina, E. Messina and M. Sher
Phys. Rev. D, in press (2015)