Endowed Lectures
XIV. 2018-4-2
Christopher Craig, University of Tennessee
"O Immortal Gods!: The Rhetoric of Anger in Cicero's Speeches"
XIII. 2017-2-23
G. Karl Galinsky, University of Texas - Austin
"Memory and Forgetting in the Time of Augustus"
XII. 2016 -2-18
Sharon James, University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
“Women in Roman Comedy”
XI. 2015-4-1
Denis Feeney, Princeton University
“Time and the Roman”
X. 2014-2-12
Richard Talbert, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The World in Your Hand: Roman Portable Sundials.”
IX. 2013-3-25
Bernard Frischer, University of Virginia
“Modeling the Past: The Digital Hadrian’s Villa Project.”
VIII. 2012-2-15
John Miller, University of Virginia
“Virgil’s Salian Hymn to Hercules.”
VII. 2011-2-10
Michael C.J. Putnam, Brown University
“Vergil & History.”
VI. 2010-2-18
James O’Hara, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“The Unfinished Aeneid? Interpretation, Reception and Supplement.”
V. 2009-3-25
Andrew Becker, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
“The Old Words Have Blood on Them: Thinking about and through Ancient Texts.”
IV. 2008-3-25
Susan F. Wiltshire, Vanderbilt University
“Using the Classics in Public.”
III. 2007-2-15
Brent Froberg, Baylor University
“Who Said No One Could Do It?: An Iliad in English Dactylic Hexameter.”
II. 2006-1-26
George Houston – University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
“Libraries in the Ancient Roman World: A User’s Guide”
I. 2005-1-31
Fred Franko, Hollins University
“The Crowded Stage in the Plays of Plautus”
Lee Lecture:
IV. 2017-10-19
Mary Ann Eaverly, University of Florida
"Cultic Continuity: Re-Interrogating the Parthenon Frieze"
III. 2016-10-23
Lesley Dean-Jones, University of Texas-Austin
"Galen and the Culture of Dissection"
II. 2015 – 10 - 22
Michael Cosmopoulos, University of Missouri- St. Louis
"The Dying God: Demeter, Persephone and the Origins of Greek Mystery Cults”
I. 2014-10-16
Eric Cline, George Washington University
“1177: The Year Civilization Collapsed”