Bakhtiari, Elyas Director of the Schroeder Center for Health Policy and Associate Professor of Sociology Contact: Boswell Hall 216, Chancellors Hall (by appointment), [[ebakhtiari]]
Interests: Medical Sociology, Health Inequalities, Race and Ethnicity, International Migration
Byrne, Christopher Adjunct Professor of Law, Marshall-Wythe School of Law Contact: Marshall-Wythe L108, [[cdbyrn]], 757-221-1736
Interests: Legal Research; Law and Policy
Gilmour, John Professor of Government and Public Policy Contact: Chancellors 241, [[jbgilm]], 757-221-3085
Interests: Budget Policy and Politics; National Institutions
Hanley, Caroline Associate Professor of Sociology Contact: Boswell Hall 231, [[cehanl]]
Interests: Social Stratification; Inequality; Economic Sociology; Work; State and Local Economic Development
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Harish, S.P. Associate Professor of Government Contact: Chancellors 357, [[spharish]], 757-221-0328
Interests: Comparative Politics; Political Economy of Development; Political Violence; Governance; Energy Access; Research Methods
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Haulman, Clyde Adjunct Lecturer of Public Policy and Economics Email: [[cahaul]]
Office Phone: 757 221 2365
Office: Chancellors 241
Hicks, Robert Professor of Economics Contact: Chancellors 252, [[rlhick]], 757-221-3707
Interests: Environmental and Natural Resource Economics; Econometrics
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Holmes, Marcus Department Chair, Professor of Government Contact: Chancellors 318A, 757-221-2575
Interests: International Security/Diplomacy and Political Psychology
Howard, Chris Harriman Professor of Government and Public Policy Contact: Chancellors 363, [[cdhowa]], 757-221-3026
Interests: Social Policy; Research Methods
Israel-Trummel, Mackenzie Associate Professor of Government Contact: Chancellors 338, [[mit]], 757-221-3479
Interests: American Political Behavior; Politics of Identity and the Carceral State
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Joosse, Alexandra Associate Teaching Professor and Director of Strategic Initiatives Contact: Chancellors 454, [[ajoosse]], 757-221-1491
Interests: Network Analysis; Non-Profits, Public Management
Kennedy, Alan Assistant Teaching Professor Contact: Chancellors 463, [[ahkennedy]], 757-221-1359
Interests: First Amendment, Second Amendment, Civil Rights, Federalism
Klingenberger, Kurt Adjunct Lecturer of Public Policy Contact: Chancellors 431,
Lopresti, John Associate Professor of Economics Contact: Chancellors 243, [[jwlopresti]], 757-221-2432
Interests: International Trade
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Lopresti, Katie Associate Teaching Professor of Economics and Public Policy Contact: Chancellors 257,
Manna, Paul Hyman Distinguished University Professor of Government & Public Policy Contact: Chancellors 341, [[pmanna]], 221-3024
Interests: American Politics, Public Policy, K-12 Education, Applied Research Methods
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McBeth, Elaine Director of W&M Public Policy, Director of Graduate Studies, and Lecturer of Economics Contact: Chancellors 421, [[mcbeth]], 757-221-2386
Interests: Monetary Macroeconomics
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McGlennon, John Professor of Government Contact: Chancellors 366, [[jjmcgl]], 757-221-3034
Interests: State and Local Policy; Political Parties
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McHenry, Peter Associate Professor of Economics and Public Policy Contact: Chancellors 256, [[pmchenry]], 757-221-1796
Interests: Labor Economics; Education; Migration
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Mellor, Jennifer Michael Tang Professor of Economics Contact: Chancellors 336, [[jmmell]], 757-221-1913
Interests: Health Economics
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Oakes, Amy Associate Professor of Government Contact: Chancellors 354, [[acoake]], 757-221-3025
Interests: International Relations; Security
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Parman, John Associate Professor of Economics Contact: Chancellors 254, [[jmparman]], 757-221-2852
Interests: Economic History; Labor Economics; Education
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Pereira, Rui Teaching Professor of Economics and Public Policy Contact: Chancellors 337, [[rmpereira]]
Interests: Environmental Economics; Energy
Qi, Shi Associate Professor of Economics Contact: Chancellors 248, [[sqi01]], 757-221-4645
Interests: Industrial Organization; Regulation; Organizational Behavior
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Rossiter, Louis Research Professor of Public Policy Contact: Miller Hall Room 3050, [[lfross]], 804-338-0223
Interests: Health Economics, Medicare, Medicaid, Health Care Antitrust
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Sasser, Jackson Teaching Professor of Government Contact: Chancellors 245, [[jnsass]], 757-221-3832
Interests: Law and Courts; Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Stafford, Sarah CSX Professor of Economics and Department Chair Contact: Chancellors 317, [[slstaf]], 757-221-1317
Interests: Environmental Economics; Regulation; Law and Economics
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Tierney, Michael George & Mary Hylton Professor of International Relations; Director Global Research Institute (GRI) Contact: 427 Scotland Street, [[mjtier]], 757-221-3039
Interests: International Relations; International Organization; Development Policy; Institutional Theory
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Twinam, Tate Assistant Professor of Economics Contact: Chancellors 250, [[tatwinam]], 757-221-2126
Interests: Urban Economics; Econometrics; Economic History