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Ewell Hall
entry facing Sunken Garden

Phone: 757-221-2465

Mailing Address

Dean's Office, Arts & Sciences
William & Mary
P.O. Box 8795
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795

Shipping Address

Dean's Office, Arts & Sciences
William & Mary
Ewell Hall
221 Jamestown Rd.
Williamsburg, VA 23185

For questions about:

Academic Management || Arts || Communications || Development || Diversity, Equity & Inclusion || Educational Policy & Undergraduate Curriculum || Finance & Administration || Research & Graduate Affairs

Dean drop-in hours: 

Each dean offers drop-in hours most weeks (see the schedule below). These sessions provide faculty and staff with an open opportunity to meet with a dean and discuss any topics of interest. No appointment is needed—we look forward to seeing you!

Dean, Faculty of Arts & Sciences

Suzanne Raitt (Bio)
134 Ewell Hall

Erica MacLeod
Executive Assistant

Erica MacLeod
132 Ewell Hall

Direct support of the Dean; contact for the Council of Arts & Sciences, Faculty Affairs Committee, Council of Chairs & Program Directors, advisory groups, special initiatives, professorships and awards administration; distinguished visitors; special events

Academic Management
Rob Hinkle
Vice Dean for Natural, Physical & Computational Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies

Robert J. (Rob) Hinkle (Bio)
125 Ewell Hall

Applied Science (APSC); Biology (BIOL); Computational & Applied Mathematics & Statistics (CAMS); Computational Operations Research (COR); Center for Geospatial Analysis (CGA); Computer Science (CSCI); English (ENGL); Geology (GEOL); Keck Lab; Kinesiology (KINE); Marine Science (MASC); Mathematics (MATH); Neuroscience (NSCI); Physics (PHYS); Public Health minor

Spring 2025 drop-in hours: Monday, 12:30 - 1:30 p.m.

Vice Dean for Arts, Humanities, & Interdisciplinary Studies
Richard Lowry (Bio)
126 Ewell Hall


Africana Studies (AFST); Art & Art History (ARTH); Biochemistry minor; Chemistry (CHEM); Classical Studies (CLST); Global Studies (GBST); Gender, Sexuality & Women’s Studies (GSWS); Linguistics (LING); self-designed majors and INTR-prefix courses, approval; Judaic Studies (JDST); Modern Languages & Literatures (MDLL); Medieval & Renaissance Studies (MRST); Music (MUSC); Philosophy (PHIL); Religious Studies (RLST); Speech; Theatre & Performance

Liaison to: Institute for Integrative Conservation (IIC); Wellness Apps

Spring 2025 drop-in hours: Thursday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Vice Dean for Social Sciences & Interdisciplinary Studies

Silvia R. Tandeciarz (Bio)
124 Ewell Hall

American Studies (AMST); Anthropology (ANTH); Economics (ECON); Data Science (DATA); Environmental Science & Policy (ENSP); Film and Media Studies (FMST); Government (GOVT); History (HIST); International Relations (INRL); Military Science (MLSC); Native Studies minor; Pilgrimage Studies; Psychological Sciences (PSYC); Public Policy (PUBP); Sociology (SOCL); St Andrews William & Mary Joint Degree Programme (JDP)

Liaison to: Global Research Institute; National Institute for American History & Democracy (NIAHD); Vertebrate Animal Care Unit; Whole of Government Center of Excellence

Spring 2025 drop-in hours: Tuesday, 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

Research & Graduate Affairs
Audrey Horning
Vice Dean for Research & Graduate Studies

Audrey Horning (Bio)
123 Ewell Hall

Office of Graduate Studies and Graduate Center

Liaison to: Graduate Studies Advisory Board; Jefferson Laboratory; Office of Grants Research Administration; Registrar’s Office (graduate issues); Southeastern University Research Association (SURA); University Research Association (URA); Virginia Council of Graduate Schools; Virginia Space Grant Consortium

Committees: Graduate Studies; Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund

Spring 2025 drop-in hours: Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Trey Mayo
Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies

Trey Mayo
326 Blow Hall

Office of Graduate Studies; Student academic progress & degree conferral; coordination of graduate student services; graduate student communication; graduate fellowships, grants and awards

Liaison to: Graduate Studies Advisory Board, Graduate Student Association, Campus Partners, Virginia Council of Graduate Schools

Spring 2025 drop-in hours: Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 123 Ewell Hall

Vicki Dopp
Administrative Coordinator

Victoria "Vicki" Thompson Dopp
Blow Hall

Support and contact for Office of Graduate Studies and for director, A&S Graduate Center

Eric Despard Arts & Sciences Executive Director of the Arts Quarter
Executive & Artistic Director of the Arts

Eric Despard

Development of integrated vision for the arts at W&M; coordination and oversight of performing arts facilities in Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall and the Music Building; Collaborates with the Andrews Gallery, the Muscarelle Museum of Art, the departments of Art & Art History, Music, Theatre & Performance, and the programs of Creative Writing and Film & Media Studies; Arts liaison to: University Events, University Marketing, University Advancement

Administrative & Fiscal Coordinator

Stephanie Schultze

Provides administrative and fiscal support for the Executive & Artistic Director and the Office of the Arts. Event coordination and scheduling throughout the Arts Quarter. 

Cori Hailey
Marketing Coordinator

Cori Hailey

Cori joined W&M in November 2022 as the Promotions & Box Office Manager for Theatre and Dance and is currently the Marketing Coordinator for the Office of the Arts. She earned her BA in Art and English from Virginia Wesleyan University and her MBA from Longwood University.

Production Manager

Charles "Chuck" Bayang

Provides administrative help to Office of the Arts. Works with users of PBK and MAC, with everything from scheduling to technical support, helping to take events
from an idea to a reality.

Standard File
Senior Director for Strategic Communications

Abbie Schaefer
127 Ewell Hall

A&S-wide strategic messaging, public relations, internal communications, web information architecture, content development and oversight, unit-level strategic communications support.

Liaison to: University Web & Design, University Communications, University Marketing

Nick Saunders
Communications & Web Specialist

Nick Saunders
127A Ewell Hall

Cascade Manager for all A&S units: web permissions, training, technical assistance; planning and assistance with unit web projects; web information architecture; top-level A&S website maintenance

Development – University Advancement
Gerald Bullock
Executive Director of Development

Gerald Bullock
210 Ewell Hall

Overall A&S fundraising priorities; department/program fundraising goals; staff support for the Council of Arts & Sciences, Public Policy Program Board; as a member of the University Advancement team, A&S liaison across the university

Cary Clow William & Mary Arts & Sciences
Director of Development

Carey Clow
204 Ewell Hall

Fundraising for A&S and department/program priorities; staff support for the Graduate Studies Advisory Board (GSAB); as a member of the University Advancement team, A&S liaison across the university

Susan Adams
Donor Engagement Associate

Susan Adams
210A Ewell Hall

Support for A&S Development Office, including Dean’s Office and department/program initiatives, events, fundraising projects; as a member of the University Advancement team, A&S liaison across the university

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Wanjiru Mbure
Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Wanjiru Mbure
136 Ewell Hall

Coordinate DEI strategic planning and implementation for A&S; manage education and training of faculty, staff, and students in areas of DEI; promote current and emerging teaching and research methods that advance DEI; support faculty recruitment and retention to include the IGNITE Future Faculty Program; coordination of recruitment programs for graduate students; develops, implements, and reports the results of climate surveys 

Liaison to: William & Mary Diversity & Inclusion Council, A&S Committee on DEI, Charles Center, Center for the Liberal Arts, Military & Veteran Affairs

Educational Policy & Undergraduate Curriculum 

Ben Boone

Assistant Dean for Educational Policy

Ben Boone
133 Ewell Hall

Center for the Liberal Arts, Enrollment Management, Summer School, Writing Resources Center, A&S Data and Reporting needs, SCHEV & SACS-COC Obligations

Liaison to: Office of Institutional Analysis & Effectiveness, Office of University Registrar, Reves Center, Studio for Teaching and Learning Innovation, Washington Center

Committees: Assessment Steering, Institutional Change, Educational Policy, International Studies Advisory

Spring 2025 drop-in hours: Tuesday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Shelly Laurenzo
Assistant Dean for Undergraduate Education and Chief Transfer Officer

Shelly N. Laurenzo
135 Ewell Hall

Office of Undergraduate Academic Affairs, Richard Bland College Promise Scholars, VPCC Co Enrolled Program, grade reviews, parent/student concerns

Liaison to: Athletics Department, Office of Career Development & Professional Engagement, Student Affairs, Office of Undergraduate Admission, Office of University Registrar

Committees: Academic Status, Degrees, Academic Calendar Advisory Residency Appeals Board

Spring 2025 drop-in hours: Wednesday, 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Keanen McKinley
Assistant Director for Assessment and Reporting

Keanen McKinley
125.5 Ewell Hall


Sharon Morris
Administrative & Fiscal Coordinator

Sharon Morris
Ewell Hall

Support for Assistant Deans; administrative contact for Center for the Liberal Arts, Writing Resources Center, Educational Policy Committee, International Studies Advisory Committee; forms for Grade Change, Graduate Course for Undergraduate/Graduate Credit

 Finance & Administration
Tarikul Islam of William & Mary Arts & Sciences
Senior Associate Dean of Finance & Administration

Tarikul Islam
131 Ewell Hall

A&S fiscal strategy, resource allocation, and budget management; department and program administration; human resources; data/information resources; Dean’s Office administrative staff

Kori Varner
Associate Director of Finance & Administration

Kori Varner
305 Boswell Hall

A&S academic support funds oversight including Dean's funding commitments, Professorships, Faculty Grant Fund awards; support for Chairs and Directors, staff recruitment and personnel support; coordination of interim fiscal/ administrative support for departments and programs

morgan, k_Oct 2021
Associate Director for Faculty Personnel Services

Kathleen P. Morgan
204 Stetson House

Full-time TE/NTE faculty hiring and contracts (with academic units and Human Resources); support for tenure, promotion, and interim processes, tenure extensions/reductions; facilitate faculty SSRL program and other faculty leave approvals

Jinger Hickman
Faculty Personnel Services Manager

Jinger Hickman
202 Stetson House

 Adjunct and Summer School contracts and payment process, postdoctoral research associate contracts, courtesy Faculty Affiliated Scholar appointments (non-employee)

Gail Pascaris
Senior Fiscal & Data Administrator

Gail Pascaris
305 Boswell Hall

Dean's Office E&G and non-professorship funds, A&S centrally-funded computer replacements, budget/BuyW&M index approver updates, course evaluation system, Digital Measures/Faculty Success access, Dean's Office support for Chrome River, DocuSign

Senior Fiscal & Private Funds Manager

Robin McDow
305 Boswell Hall

A&S fund coordination; personnel/payment transactions; faculty administrative appointments; stipends; local/private gift fund reconciliation; faculty start-up and Professorship funds management, Dean supported funding commitments tracking, moving & relocation, and HEETF

Regina Jones
Fiscal Technician

Regina Jones
305 Boswell Hall

Day to day fiscal and administrative transactions including data entry, record keeping, monitoring of expenditures, reviewing/auditing financial transactions, and providing interim support for departments and programs

Amy Detwiler
Office Manager

Amy Detwiler
Ewell Hall

Administrative contact for the Dean’s Office; support for Vice-Deans; office management; coordination and support of events and special projects

Administrative Coordinator

Chloe Allen
Ewell Hall

Provides administrative support to the Vice-Deans and the Associate Dean of DEI; oversees procurement and records management, maintains supply inventory, assists with front office operations and faculty administration services

Senior Administrative & Fiscal Coordinator

Riley Winkles
305 Boswell Hall

Cross-unit coordination of orientation, onboarding, and ongoing training for A&S fiscal and administrative staff; process documentation; guidance in administrative best practices; assessment tools; A&S subject matter resources; coordination of temporary fiscal/administrative support and continuity for A&S departments; internal process review; staff recruitment resources

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