Faculty of Arts & Sciences
The Faculty of Arts & Sciences meet the first Tuesday of every month during the academic sessions to address issues that affect Arts & Sciences faculty as a whole. The Dean serves as chief administrative officer, and the Faculty Affairs Committee sets the meeting agendas. All meetings are open to the public unless the Faculty vote to close.
All persons holding full-time teaching or research appointments as professors, associate professors, assistant professors, instructors, and lecturers in Arts & Sciences are members. Faculty members retain voting privileges on becoming Faculty emeriti/ae. All persons holding appointments as research associates or post-doctoral fellows are non-voting members of the Faculty.
The Committee on Nominations and Elections nominates faculty for election to the following committees, and the election is by the faculty via electronic ballot:
- Academic Status
- Degrees
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
- Educational Policy
- Faculty Affairs
- International Studies Advisory
- Retention, Promotion, and Tenure
The Faculty Affairs Committee nominates faculty to run for the Nominations and Elections Committee, and the election is by the faculty via electronic ballot. The FAC also recommends appointments to the A&S committees listed below, which report to the Faculty Affairs Committee:
- Affirmative Action
- Honors and Interdisciplinary Studies
- Lectures
- Library
- Nominations and Elections
The remaining A&S faculty committees are:
- American Studies (appointed by and reports to director)
- Graduate Studies (appointed by and reports to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research)
- Gender, Sexuality, and Women's Studies (appointed by and reports to director)
- Writing (appointed by and report to the Dean of Undergraduate Studies)
The Committee on Nominations and Elections elects A&S representatives to these university-wide committees:
- Faculty Assembly
- Faculty Compensation Board
- Faculty Hearing Committee
- Procedural Review Committee
- Faculty Committee on University Priorities
Arts & Sciences faculty members also serve through appointment to other university-wide committees.
For more information:
- Arts & Sciences committees (descriptions, members, related documents)
- Office of the Provost University-wide committee list
- Office of Student Affairs committee descriptions